State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2024-Full Report

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WORLDBANK.ORG2 State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2024
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ISBN (electronic): 978-1-4648-2127-1
DOI: 10.1596/978-1-4648-2127-1
Design: Simpelplus (
Cover design: Brad Amburn (
Copyediting: EpsteinWords
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Executive Summary
The development of this report was led by the World Bank and prepared by
experts from the World Bank and adelphi. Contributions, including on data and
information on emissions trading systems, were provided by the International
Carbon Action Partnership. Additional data and contributions were also
provided by Ecosystem Marketplace.
Platts, S&P Global Commodity Insights, and the Institute for Climate Economics also
supported development of this report.
The World Bank task team responsible for this report was composed of Joseph
Pryor, Ashia Bio Sawe, Alejandra Mazariegos, Adrian Constantin Gagu, Jichong Wu,
Martin Laplane, Harikumar Gadde, Seoyi Kim, Shreya Rangarajan, Jacob Junghun
Lee, Kathleen Patroni, Conrad Buer, and Helen Guys.
The adelphi team included Constanze Haug, David Hynes, Stephanie La Hoz
Theuer, Victor Ortiz Rivera, Santiago Ramírez Niembro, Lewis Stevens, and Theresa
Wildgrube. Editorial support was provided by Leon Heckmann, Trevor Laroche-
Theune, Anastasia Steinlein, and Hermia Tim Lan Chan.
This report beneted greatly from the insights and contributions from Jesús
Abraham Bartolome Lasa; Alberta Environment and Protected Areas; Andrés
Camilo Álvarez-Espinosa; Alexandra Andrea Maite Campmas; Aivi Aolaid-Aas; Veli
Auvinen; Christopher Axelson; Charlotte Barber; Kristinn Bjarnason; Simon Black;
Velda Buldas; Ciro Calderon; Diana Cardenas Monar; Daniel Clarke; the Clean Energy
Regulator (Australia); Alana Clement; Climate Policy Department (Ukraine); Angela
Colquitt; Claude Côté; Julie Côté; Katherine Cox; Dan Dale; Danish Ministry of
Taxation; Stefano De Clara; Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment
and Water (Australia); Department of Finance Canada; Department of Finance,
Government of the Northwest Territories; Dirección Nacional de Investigaciones
y Análisis Fiscal de la Subsecretaría de Ingresos Públicos de la Secretaría de
Hacienda del Ministerio de Economía (Argentina); Joaquín Egaña Tamargo; Assia
Elgouacem; Amanda Engel; Dominik Englert; Federal Oce for the Environment -
Climate Division (Switzerland); Cristina Figueroa Vargas; Carolyn Fischer; Mathieu
Fouquet; Nicolas Garceau; Alexandre Godzinski; Marlen Goerner; Rachel Gold;
Jorge Gómez Lechaptois; Denitza Gonzalez; the Government of New Brunswick;
Stephane Hallegatte; Lotta Hambrecht; Haley Hamza; Insa Handschuch; Andrew
Hayes; Sharlin Hemraj; Kolsaker Hjalmar Richter; Livia Hollins; Rurik Holmberg; David
Hynes; Heeweon Hyun; Karin Jehle; Katie Keegan; Jussi Kiviluoto; Jessica Knowler;
Nicolas Krakovitch; Younghyun Lee; William L’Heudé; Shelby Livingston; Luca Lo Re;
Macroeconomic and Finance Advisory, Ministry of Economy and Finance (Uruguay);
Bosi Martina; Mark Mateo; MÉXICO2; Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
(Japan); Ministry of Energy (Hungary); Ministry of the Environment and the J-credit
system secretariat (Japan); Ministry of Finance (Hungary); Mariza Montes de Oca
Leon; Yuliia Morozova; Marco Murcia; Kuhle Mxakaza; Nives Nared; National Center
on Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (China); National Climate
Change Secretariat and National Environment Agency (Singapore); Derek Nixon;
Klaus Oppermann; Yongchul Park; Eduardo Piquero; Alex Procton; Anasuya Raj;
Laura Remmelgas; Kim Ricard; Angela Liliana Rodríguez; Clément Roman; Rajinder
Sahota; Gabriel Saive; Rico Salgmann; Hugh Salway; Monique Schafer; Juan Pedro
Searle; Stephen Shelby; Kay Shirey; Mark Sippola; Jacob Smith; Teresa Solozábal
Gallego; William Space; Sandhya Srinivasan; Lewis Stallard; Camille Sultana; Erin
Szelagowski; Emma Tauti; Tax Advisory, Ministry of Economy and Finance (Uruguay);
Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization; Konstantinos Theodoropoulos;
Maria Tome; Dharini Umapathy; Isabella Villanueva; Carlos Villasenor; Laura
Weatherer; Klas Wetterberg; Jordan Wildish; Karlygash Zhunussova; and Mourad
Report design was done by Simpelplus and editing was done by EpsteinWords.
This report has been developed as part of the Technical Work Program under the
Partnership for Market Implementation.
3 State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2024
Chapter 4
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Executive Summary


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