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Global Trends
in R&D 2024
Biomedical advances are transforming healthcare globally. The multi-stakeholder
ecosystem that enables this progress has been bueted by the global COVID-19
pandemic and is resetting and refocusing on future opportunities to advance
the understanding of human biology and disease, discover and develop new
therapeutics, and provide evidence of the clinical value of these innovations — for
individual patients, populations, and health systems. By all of the traditional metrics,
including funding levels, numbers of trial starts, drug launches, R&D success rates,
and many others, it is clear that industry and investors continue to see tremendous
value in the vast array of ongoing research programs around the world.
This report assesses the trends in new drug launches
and the overall number of initiated clinical trials. It also
proles the state of R&D funding and the activity of
companies of dierent types. The results of research are
compared to the input eort in a Clinical Development
Productivity Index. The notable acceleration and
adaptability of the innovation ecosystem is examined in
terms of several enablers of R&D productivity, including
the relationship between shortening trial durations
and the ‘white space’ within clinical development
timelines that have been reducing for some diseases and
increasing for others.
The research included in this report was undertaken
independently by the IQVIA Institute for Human
Data Science as a public service, without industry or
government funding. The analytics in this report are
based on proprietary IQVIA databases and/or third-
party information and are not derived from proprietary
sponsor trial information.
The contributions to this report from Mohit Agarwal,
Taskin Ahmed, Chris Bamford, Vaibhav Bhalotia, Tanya
Bhardwaj, Lucy Haggerty, Julia Kern, Bhagyashree
Nawar, Urvashi Porwal, Tanushree Thakur, and dozens of
others at IQVIA are gratefully acknowledged.
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Executive Director
IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science
Global Trends in R&D 2024: Activity, Productivity, and Enablers
©2024 IQVIA and its aliates. All reproduction rights, quotations, broadcasting, publications reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or
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Please use this format when referencing content from this report:
Source: IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science. Global Trends in R&D 2024: Activity, Productivity, and Enablers. February 2024.
Available from www.iqviainstitute.org
Table of Contents
Overview 2
R&D funding 4
Clinical trial activity 12
New drug approvals and launches 29
Clinical development productivity 40
Productivity enablers 58
Notes on sources 73
Methodologies 74
References 75
About the authors 76
About the Institute 78


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作者:九派 分类:按报告类型 价格:免费 属性:80 页 大小:5.54MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-04-03


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