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41 Appendix
Part 2: A regional perspective on
progress toward gender parity
16 22
Part 3: Ethnic and racial diversity
in private equity
Part 4: Institutional investors as
drivers of progress on diversity
30 36
Part 5: From aspiration to
action: Tangible steps toward
a more diverse future
Part 1: A global view on gender
diversity in private equity and
alternative investing
4 6
Over the course of 2022, the global private markets industry experienced a slowdown
in fundraising and dealmaking because of rising interest rates and other factors.
Despite the rocky year, private equity and alternative investments (hereafter referred
to as “PE”) remain significant in the global economy. The industry now manages
$11.7 trillion in assets, up from $8.0 trillion the previous year.1 The financial power of PE
reinforces the importance of understanding the composition of its talent, particularly
the professionals who decide how this capital is deployed.
1 “McKinsey Global Private Markets Review: Private markets turn down the volume,” McKinsey, March 21, 2023.
© Luis Alvarez/Getty Images
4The state of diversity in global private markets: 2023


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作者:JOKER 分类:外资研报 价格:免费 属性:43 页 大小:4.86MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-06-25


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