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Electric Power & Natural Gas
Renewable natural gas: A Swiss
army knife for US decarbonization?
Renewable natural gas plays a role in reducing emissions—scaling it is one potential
near-term action on the journey to decarbonization.
November 2023
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This article is a collaborative eort by Kester Brons, Gracie Brown, Nathan Lash, Ruidi Lu, Andjelka Milutinovic, and Greg Santoni
representing views from McKinsey’s Electric Power & Natural Gas and Oil & Gas practices.
RNG can be produced from a variety of sources—with varying costs, availability, and
carbon intensity
RNG from anaerobic digestion can be made from several waste feedstocks. The four primary feedstocks used today in the United
States are landll waste, agriculture manure, food waste, and wastewater residues, with potential future sources of supply from bio-
mass waste (Exhibit 1).
These feedstocks have varying carbon intensity and costs of capturing and processing the biogas (Exhibit 2).
Landll waste: Landlls can capture the naturally emerging biogas from landll waste, which is then upgraded into RNG. RNG from
landll biogas is the most cost-eective pathway today, as landlls are already legally required to capture the biogas and hence only
need to build the upgrading equipment.¹ As a result, landll biogas is currently the largest RNG feedstock in the United States
(representing around 70 percent of current capacity).² However, given that landlls already capture biogas and therefore have much
lower associated methane emissions in their baseline, RNG from landll biogas also delivers the least emission reduction in contrast to
natural gas (50 to 60 gCOe/MJ compared to around 90 to 100 gCOe/MJ for fossil natural gas).³
Agriculture manure: Agriculture manure (for example, from dairy, swine, and chicken) is anaerobically digested into biogas and
upgraded into RNG. RNG from agriculture manure delivers the largest emission reduction due to the avoided methane emissions that
would otherwise occur if the manure were not digested. As a result, it has grown in recent years to about 20 percent of US-announced
capacity. Most of this is from dairy farms, as those are the easiest places to collect manure. However, the current costs associated with
constructing and operating an anaerobic digestor make production costs nearly twice as high as landll RNG.
Food waste: Source-separated organic waste is anaerobically digested into biogas and upgraded into RNG. According to California
Air Resources Board’s Current Fuel Pathways Table, RNG from food waste emits between –80 and –30 gCOe/MJ, the second-high-
est emission reduction after agricultural manure; however, US supply is limited today as it is challenging to secure adequately separated
organic waste. Production costs are comparable to manure-based RNG.
1 Final federal plan requirements for municipal solid waste landfills. United States Environmental Protection Agency, May 10, 2021.
2 Renewable natural gas database, Argonne National Laboratory, May 23, 2023.
3 “LCFS pathway certified carbon intensities,” California Air Resources Board, May 26, 2023.
4 The microbial process that occurs in oxygen-free or anaerobic conditions produces methane, which can then be collected for RNG production. Anaerobic digestion and
upgrading to RNG is capital intensive, which has historically led to low adoption relative to potential.
5 Renewable natural gas database, Argonne National Laboratory, May 23, 2023.
6 California Air Resources Board, May 2023, accessed October 23, 2023.
Cover cross, plant
byproducts, and
additional biomass
Renewable natural gas (RNG)
supply sources
RNG production pathways Natural gas end users,
by sector, TCF demand (2022)
1Including hydrogen production.
Source: Energy Information Administration (EIA)
There are several possible renewable natural gas feedstocks.
McKinsey & Company
Municipal solid
waste / landll gas
Food waste
Agriculture waste
(eg, dairy manure)
50–75% CH₄
Biogas can also be used
for power without
upgrading to RNG
>95% CH₄
Building heat
Exhibit 1
There are several possible renewable natural gas feedstocks.
3Renewable natural gas: A Swiss army knife for US decarbonization?
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs): Organic residues from WWTPs can be anaerobically digested into biogas and upgraded
into RNG. RNG from WWTP typically has lifecycle emissions of approximately 30 to 40 gCOe/MJ, leading to a more limited emission
reduction than RNG from agricultural manure or food waste. However, because it requires digestors, production costs are higher than
landll. Hence the pathway currently has limited supply.
Other biomass waste (not at scale in the United States): Cover crops ankd plant by-products are emerging as other sources of
biomass feedstock. While these sources are less established in the United States, the ability to develop and commercialize other
biomass feedstocks in a low-carbon intensity way, at scale, could expand the potential supply of RNG.
Exhibit 2
Renewable natural gas from anaerobic digestion can be made from various waste sources.
Renewable natural gas (RNG) production pathways
Current US supply potential,
million MMBTU²/year
Actual US supply, 2022,
million MMBTU²/year
Penetration,³ %
Carbon intensity range,
Supply cost range,
natural gas Landll
manure¹ Food waste Wastewater
603,600 890 1,200 70 95
80–90 50–60
–30 to –80
~70 ~20 ~5 ~5
1Includes chicken and swine.
2Million British thermal units.
3Calculated as supply divided by potential.
4Grams of carbon dioxide equivalent per megajoule of energy.
Source: CARB; EIA; McKinsey analysis
Renewable natural gas from anaerobic digestion can be made from various
waste sources.
McKinsey & Company
~8 ~2 ~7 ~6
25–30 20–25 15–20
7 Ibid; Renewable sources of natural gas: Supply and emissions reduction assessment, American Gas Foundation, December 2019.
4Renewable natural gas: A Swiss army knife for US decarbonization?

标签: #美国



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作者:村上 分类:外资研报 价格:免费 属性:7 页 大小:961.94KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-05


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