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The Promise of Travel in
the Age of AI
September 2023
The work is independent, reflects the views of the authors, and has not been commissioned by any business, government, or other institution.
Cover Illustration: Taylor Slattery
About Skift About McKinsey & Company
McKinsey is a global management consulting firm committed
to helping organizations accelerate sustainable and inclusive
growth. We work with clients across the private, public, and
social sectors to solve complex problems and create positive
change for all their stakeholders. We combine bold strategies
and transformative technologies to help organizations innovate
more sustainably, achieve lasting gains in performance, and
build workforces that will thrive for this generation and the next.
Skift is the largest industry intelligence platform providing media,
insights, and marketing to key sectors of travel. Skift deciphers
and defines trends for global CEOs and CMOs across the travel
industry through a combination of news, research, conferences,
and marketing services.
The Promise of Travel in the Age of AI 2SKIFT + MCKINSEY & COMPANY
Table of contents
Executive summary
Chapter 1. Know your customers like you know your friends
Chapter 2. Design your products to surprise and delight
Chapter 3. Empower your workforce to follow through on promises made
The report draws on joint research carried out between McKinsey & Company and Skift
Research, including executive interviews.
The authors wish to thank the following travel executives who generously shared their
perspectives with us:
Ella Alkalay Schreiber (GM of Fintech, Hopper), Andres Barry (President, JetBlue Travel
Products), Claire Bennett (Global CCO, IHG), Jason Birnbaum (CIO, United Airlines), Alix
Boulnois (CDO, Accor), Rob Francis (CTO, Booking Holdings), Christiaan Hen (CCO, Assaia),
Harsha LAcqua (CEO, Saira Hospitality), Schubert Lou (COO, Trip.com), Doron Meyassed
(CEO, Plum Guide), Markus Mueller (Founder and Managing Director, GauVendi), Rajesh
Naidu (SVP and Chief Architect, Expedia), Albert Ng (Co-founder and CEO, Misapplied
Sciences), Casper Overbeek (Head of Customer Experience, citizenM), Eric Phillips (SVP and
CDO, Delta Air Lines), Nikhil Ravishankar (CDO, Air New Zealand), Ilan Twig (Co-founder
and CTO, Navan), and Luca Zambello (CEO, Jurny).
We also acknowledge McKinseys Marisa Ancona, Danielle Bozarth, Melissa Lukasiewicz,
Elena Patel, Alessandra Powell, Darren Rivas, Ellen Scully, and Jules Seeley for their contri-
butions to this report.
Additionally, we would like to thank Skifts Jane Alexander, Rafat Ali, Varsha Arora, Jeunesse
Jackson, Carolyn Kremins, Jeremy Kressmann, and Brian Quinn.
We would also like to thank Skift’s Melissa Carter and Taylor Slattery, and McKinseys
Crystal Ball, Kamila Cieslak, Maggie Coey, Jackie Fermo, Natalia Quesada, Alice Shol-
to-Douglas, and Corinne Teschner for their creative, editorial, external relations and
communications support.
The Promise of Travel in the Age of AI 3SKIFT + MCKINSEY & COMPANY

标签: #人工智能



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作者:JOKER 分类:外资研报 价格:免费 属性:32 页 大小:5.9MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-31


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