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KPMG 2023
CEO Outlook
Insurers are embracing change and
navigating economic challenges to help drive
success in a rapidly evolving landscape.
KPMG International
The economic
and AI
the impact
of ESG
The workforce
CEO priorities
The economic outlook Leveraging technology and AI Enhancing the impact of ESG Insurance CEO prioritiesThe workforce proposition
KPMG 2023 Insurance CEO Outlook2© 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities. KPMG International entities provide no services to clients. All rights reserved.
In an unpredictable operating environment characterized by geopolitical
tensions, high inflation and rising costs, CEOs continue to face an array of
challenges and opportunities. With change becoming almost a constant,
we checked in with 128 insurance CEOs as part of the KPMG CEO Outlook
survey, to gain a deep insight into their views and perspectives on the
industry and wider economic landscape now and over the next three years.
The picture that emerges is one of overall confidence about the road
ahead, but tempered by warning lights that mean caution is also required.
According to insurance CEOs, political uncertainty due to ongoing regional
tensions has become the top threat to organizational growth over the
next three years, followed by emerging/disruptive technology risks and
interest rate risk. This marks a shift from 2022 when operational risks and
technology risk topped the list. Over the last twelve months, the world
has become an even more uncertain and volatile place. Inflation has risen
and interest rates have moved on an upward curve.
These factors in combination mean that, while the clear majority of
insurance CEOs are confident of growth in the coming years,
the numbers have declined compared to 2022. It feels like we have
reached a critical juncture — strong and resilient leadership will be
needed to help keep insurance firms moving progressively forward
on the journey of change and transformation that they are on,
especially with new developments like generative AI holding out so
much potential to reimagine aspects of how the business is run.
To follow is a detailed look at what insurance CEOs have to say about
the key trends impacting the industry in an ever-evolving market.
I encourage you to contact your local member firm to discuss the
findings and what these could mean for your organization.
The 2023 CEO Outlook draws on the perspectives of 1,325 global CEOs across 11 markets and 11 key industry sectors to
provide unique insight into leaders’ mindsets, strategies and planning tactics, and their three-year outlook on the industry
and economic landscapes. The research was carried out between 15 August and 15 September 2023.
Frank Pfaffenzeller
Global Head of Insurance
KPMG International
The economic outlook Leveraging technology and AI Enhancing the impact of ESG Insurance CEO prioritiesThe workforce proposition
KPMG 2023 Insurance CEO Outlook3© 2022 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities. KPMG International entities provide no services to clients. All rights reserved.© 2023 Copyright owned by one or more of the KPMG International entities. KPMG International entities provide no services to clients. All rights reserved.

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作者:复利王子 分类:电子书 价格:免费 属性:20 页 大小:887.96KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-08-28


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