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Decarbonizing Supply Chains:
A Scope 3 Playbook for India
In collaboration with
Kearney and Observer
Research Foundation
In an era defined by global interconnectivity and
growing environmental concerns, the imperative
to address climate change has never been more
pressing. The journey towards decarbonization is
not merely a moral or environmental obligation,
but is essential for securing the collective future
of humankind. The global challenge of climate
change calls for collective and concerted action,
transcending geographical boundaries and industry
sectors. At this pivotal juncture in human history, it
is evident that the path forward must be one guided
by sustainability and environmental stewardship. In
this endeavour, the role of businesses and supply
chains cannot be overstated.
This report by the World Economic Forum, Kearney
and Observer Research Foundation (ORF) presents
a vital blueprint for Indian businesses, policy-
makers and stakeholders. It underscores the critical
importance of tackling Scope 3 emissions, which
constitute a significant proportion of a company’s
carbon footprint but often remain unaddressed due
to their complex, interconnected nature.
Specifically, given India’s rapid industrialization
and its burgeoning economy, the need to align
economic growth with environmental responsibility
has never been more pronounced. This report
reflects our commitment to equipping Indian
organizations with the knowledge, strategies
and tools needed to navigate the multifaceted
challenge of decarbonizing their supply chains.
We firmly believe that businesses in India can play
a transformative role in reducing emissions and
fostering a sustainable future for the world.
The journey to decarbonize supply chains can seem
daunting, but it is a journey that businesses must
undertake with conviction. By adopting the strategies
outlined in this playbook, companies can not only
mitigate environmental impacts but also unlock myriad
benefits. These include cost savings, enhanced brand
reputation and the ability to thrive in an increasingly
environmentally conscious global marketplace.
We would like to extend our gratitude to the
dedicated researchers, experts and organizations
who have contributed their knowledge and insights
to this report. Their collective expertise has been
instrumental in creating a comprehensive guide
that is tailored to the unique challenges and
opportunities in India.
Samir Saran
President, Observer
Research Foundation (ORF)
Sriram Gutta
Head, India and
Deputy Head, South Asia,
World Economic Forum
Viswanathan Rajendran
Partner, Kearney India
Arun Unni
Partner, Kearney India
Decarbonizing Supply Chains:
A Scope 3 Playbook for India
January 2024
Decarbonizing Supply Chains: A Scope 3 Playbook for India 3
Executive summary
In a world increasingly grappling with the
consequences of climate change, the imperative
to reduce carbon emissions has never been
more pronounced. The nexus of business and
environmental responsibility, particularly in
the context of supply chains, forms a critical
battleground in the fight against climate change.
This report by the World Economic Forum, Kearney
and Observer Research Foundation represents a
pioneering and comprehensive effort to guide Indian
businesses, policy-makers and stakeholders in the
ambitious journey to reduce Scope 3 emissions
– a category of emissions that has often eluded
concerted action.
The playbook is anchored in the belief that, in a
rapidly developing country like India, businesses
have the power to be the architects of both
economic growth and environmental transformation.
Indian companies face a range of challenges in
their Scope 3 decarbonization agenda, including
the preponderance of small and medium-sized
suppliers who lack awareness of the topic; the
lack of proper data management systems; and the
relatively nascent maturity of the Scope 3 concept
in the country.
The framework laid out in this report is designed to
empower Indian companies to understand, quantify
and reduce their Scope 3 emissions in a structured
and strategic manner. This playbook is based
on the principles of sustainability, environmental
responsibility and ethical procurement practices,
and is tailored to India’s unique context.
The framework includes the following five steps:
1. Create a Scope 3 baseline and develop a
data strategy: A solid, comprehensive baseline
forms the foundation for the Scope 3 journey.
Businesses must understand the sources
and categories of emissions across the value
chain. Simultaneously, they must develop a
robust data strategy that outlines how data on
Scope 3 emissions will be collected, measured
and reported. Accurate data is the bedrock of
informed decision-making.
2. Set science-based and business targets:
Businesses must establish clear and ambitious
emissions reduction targets and align them with
global climate goals and their own sustainability
goals. A balance between science-based goals
and those that make business sense is essential
to drive commitment and ensure long-term
3. Develop an upstream/downstream carbon
reduction strategy: Businesses must identify
strategic, high-priority areas for emissions
reduction within the supply chain. This entails
collaboration with supply chain partners to
align efforts, promote sustainable practices and
minimize emissions collectively.
4. Define organizational enablers: To ensure
successful implementation, businesses
must identify and put in place the necessary
enablers – governance, technology,
communication, talent management, and
policies and processes.
5. Build a roadmap and a business case: Having
taken the preceding steps, businesses must
construct a clear and actionable roadmap that
outlines the steps, milestones and timelines for
achieving their Scope 3 emissions reduction
targets. Along with the roadmap, they must craft
a compelling business case that highlights the
financial, environmental and reputational benefits
of pursuing Scope 3 emissions reduction.
The journey to decarbonize supply chains is not
a solitary one. It requires the collaboration of
businesses, governments, non-governmental
organizations and the broader community. In
particular, the government can play a pivotal role
in driving Scope 3 emissions reduction by laying
out a clear policy and regulatory framework, driving
public awareness, offering financial incentives/
support to emissions reduction projects, driving
public procurement leadership, supporting research
and development (R&D), enabling collaboration
and partnerships, supporting capacity building
and knowledge transfer, ensuring long-term policy
certainty and ensuring global commitment and
support to the Scope 3 agenda.
The Scope 3 emissions reduction journey holds
the promise of not only reducing carbon emissions
but also ushering in a future where business
prosperity and environmental stewardship are
mutually reinforcing. Together, Indian businesses
can decarbonize supply chains and help build a
sustainable, resilient and thriving future for India and
the world.
Decarbonizing Supply Chains: A Scope 3 Playbook for India 4

标签: #印度



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作者:村上 分类:综合 价格:免费 属性:41 页 大小:3.4MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-09-03


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