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Volume 3 | August 2023
Indias Moment
Look Forward
2 Look Forward Journal August 2023
ur world is in the midst of
an unprecedented period of
transition and uncertainty,
but one fact that unites all
observers is that India faces
a defining opportunity to
capitalize on this moment.
Economically and politically,
there are few global issues
that can be solved without the cooperation of India, a
fact that is highlighted by the country’s agenda for its
presidency of the G20 in 2023.
As in our previous Look Forward reports, our analysts have leveraged their deep sector and
geographic knowledge as well as our data and insights to take a deep dive into a specific
subject. This time, we look at the opportunities, risks and potential for India to strengthen its
claim to be a true global superpower in the next 10 years.
We hope this research will help our customers around the world understand one of the most
dynamic and fast-changing countries on Earth. From energy transition to the global economy,
agriculture to transportation, supply chains to technological innovation, India is at the center of
it all. However, the road ahead is far from straight, and navigating it will require decision-making
that considers a vast array of potential scenarios, both at home and globally.
This report has been organized by the S&P Global Research Council, which is focused on
the key global themes of energy security, climate and sustainability, technology and digital
disruptions, supply chains, capital markets and geopolitical shocks. The foundation of the
report is the work we do every day to deliver essential intelligence to our customers and the
market — on India and on other topics that matter.
CRISIL is driven by its mission of making markets function better as India’s foremost provider of
ratings, data, research, analytics and solutions. This report also shows the value of being part
of S&P Global as it marries local expertise with global perspectives and leverages capabilities
across the organization.
Amish Mehta
Managing Director & CEO, CRISIL
3 Look Forward Journal August 2023
Dr. Lindsay Newman
Executive Director, Head of Geopolitical Thought Leadership,
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Deepa Kumar
Head of Asia-Pacific Country Risk,
S&P Global Market Intelligence
Dr. Atul Arya
Chief Energy Strategist,
S&P Global Commodity Insights
Co-chair, S&P Global Research Council
Paul Gruenwald
Global Chief Economist,
S&P Global Ratings
As the world finds itself in the midst of disruption, everyone is watching India.
The country is chairing the G20 under the slogan “One Earth, One Family, One
Future,” reflecting how the years ahead will be defined by shared global challenges
including economic growth, climate risk, the energy transition, trade relationships,
disruptive technologies and pandemics.
Countries across the development and political spectrum are adopting pragmatism
to navigate the heightened risks and expanded opportunities of the next decade.
Following this trend, India will cooperate across spheres of mutual interest and
compete where national interests collide. To rise to this moment, India has set
ambitious targets for itself — both in the domestic arena and on the global stage.
At home, India’s realized and unrealized potential will continue to reflect the successes and prospects of its diverse states and
their relationship with the constitutionally strong central government. The macro challenge in the decade ahead will be to achieve
sustained high, stable and inclusive growth, which has thus far been elusive.
On the global stage, India hopes to be a guiding force for emerging economies on the journey toward net-zero emissions.
Developing countries will be watching as India tries to balance the goals of achieving high growth and reducing the carbon
intensity of its economy.
India will need to adeptly utilize both multilateral and bilateral relationships. It will rely upon established and diverse multilateral
affiliations, such as the Quadrilateral Framework, BRICS, the G20 and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, to
transition from being a “balancing power” to becoming a “leading power.” The country will also leverage emergent bilateral trading
relationships, including with the US and Australia as well as countries in the Middle East and Africa.
A paramount test will be whether India can become the next big global manufacturing hub, an immense opportunity. Developing
a strong logistics framework will be key in transforming India from a services-dominated economy into a manufacturing-dominant
one. Unlocking labor market potential will largely depend upon upskilling workers and increasing female participation in the
workforce. Success in these two areas will shape India’s ability to realize its demographic dividend, particularly with the population
projected to grow over the next decade. A booming domestic digital market could also fuel expansion in India’s high-growth startup
ecosystem in the decade ahead, especially in financial technology and consumer technology. In the automotive sector, India is
poised for growth, building on infrastructure, investment, innovation and inclusiveness.
This edition of S&P Global’s Look Forward Journal shines the spotlight on India and its potential over the coming decade as the
country contends with multiple overlapping transitions. With the world eagerly watching India navigate multidimensional changes
in economics, energy, logistics, technology and demographics, the future rests on the shoulders of its people.
Indias Moment

标签: #印度



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作者:村上 分类:综合 价格:免费 属性:67 页 大小:4.85MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-09-03


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