《GSMA 移动通信安全现状 (GSMA Mobile Telecommunications Security Landscape)》-34页

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February 2024
Mobile Telecommunications
Security Landscape
GSMA Mobile Telecommunications Security Landscape
GSMA Mobile Telecommunications
Security Landscape
GSMA Mobile Telecommunications
Security Landscape
This is an information paper of the GSMA
Security Classification: Non-confidential
Access to and distribution of this document is restricted to the persons
permitted by the security classification. This document is subject to
copyright protection and is to be used only for the purposes for which it has
been supplied and information contained in it must not be disclosed or in any
other way made available, in whole or in part, to persons other than those
permitted under the security classification without the prior written approval
of the Association.
Copyright Notice
Copyright © 2024 GSM Association
The GSM Association (“Association”) makes no representation, warranty
or undertaking (express or implied) with respect to and does not accept
any responsibility for, and hereby disclaims liability for the accuracy or
completeness or timeliness of the information contained in this document.
The information contained in this document may be subject to change
without prior notice.
Antitrust Notice
The information contain herein is in full compliance with the GSM
Association’s antitrust compliance policy.
GSMA CTO Foreword 1
GSMA Fraud and Security Group Chair 2
Chair, GSMA Fraud and Security Group & CEO, Copper Horse Ltd 2
1. Key Points 3
2. Introduction 5
3. Attacks on Operators 7
Analysis 8
4. Attacks on virtualised infrastructure 10
Analysis 10
5. Supply Chains 12
Analysis 12
6. Global Title Abuse and Interconnect 14
Analysis 15
7. Malware & Ransomware 16
Analysis 17
8. Spyware 18
Analysis 18
9. Mobile App Security 20
Analysis 21
10. New and Repackaged Fraud Types 22
Analysis 23
11. The emerging security operating context 24
A Forward Look 26
Summary 29
12. Final thoughts 30
GSMA Mobile Telecommunications Security Landscape
GSMA Mobile Telecommunications
Security Landscape
GSMA Mobile Telecommunications
Security Landscape


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作者:芒果2024 分类:按申万行业 价格:免费 属性:33 页 大小:5.84MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-27


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