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In collaboration
with Accenture
Modernizing Financial Markets
with Wholesale Central Bank
Digital Currency (wCBDC)
APRIL 2024
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This document is published by the World Economic
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Foreword 03
Preface 04
Executive summary 05
Introduction 06
1 Foundational key concepts 07
2 Wholesale financial markets use cases 10
3 The digital money continuum 12
4 wCBDC initiatives 16
5 Industry challenges 19
6 Areas of differentiated value 22
7 Persistent industry challenges 41
8 Trade-offs and considerations 58
9 RTGS systems 62
10 Alternative payment instruments 64
11 Multi-token and multi-system future 73
Conclusion 75
Contributors 76
Endnotes 79
Modernizing Financial Markets with Wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency 2
Foreword Over 98% of the global economy’s central
banks are researching, experimenting, piloting or
deploying central bank digital currency (CBDC)
to determine how to modernize the capabilities
of and improve access to central bank money
(CeBM).1 An opportunity exists to make use
of ongoing innovations in CeBM to modernize
wholesale financial markets by enhancing
systemically important payments between
institutions. These markets demand secure
and efficient settlement infrastructure from
participants to promote financial stability, enable
domestic and international trade, and create
economic opportunities.
Central banks are modernizing real-time gross
settlement (RTGS) systems –the predominant
wholesale funds transfer system – and wholesale
CBDC (wCBDC) represents an opportunity
to address existing and emerging industry
challenges across interbank payments and
securities transactions. Meanwhile, non-CBDC
payment instruments are arriving on the scene
– reserves-backed digital currencies (RBDCs),
deposit tokens (DTs) and fiat-backed stablecoins
(FBSs). These instruments are continually
challenging our collective view of digital money.
With this backdrop and a recent survey finding
that there could be 24 live CBDCs by 2030, the
importance of clarifying the role of CeBM and
wCBDC in the next generation of wholesale
financial markets is underscored, and this
report intends to deliver upon that goal.2 Central
banks, commercial banks and financial market
infrastructures (FMIs) like custodians, depository
institutions, exchanges, clearinghouses and
settlement agents seek to better understand
wCBDC’s value proposition.
In this context, the World Economic Forum
has collaborated with Accenture to articulate
how a wCBDC might provide differentiated
value. We took a holistic view of the relevant
industry challenges to produce practical insights
for policy-makers and the private sector’s
planning efforts to realize the full potential of
wCBDC, if pursued. Importantly, deep public-
private sector collaboration is necessary to
modernize wholesale financial markets securely
and efficiently.
David Treat
Senior Managing Director,
Innovation Incubation
Group Lead, Accenture
Drew Propson
Head, Technology and
Innovation in Financial
Services, World
Economic Forum
of global central banks are
exploring CBDC to enhance CeBM
access and modernization.
live CBDCs are projected by 2030,
underscoring the need to define CeBM
and wCBDC’s roles in future wholesale
financial markets.
wCBDC represents an opportunity
to address challenges in interbank
payments and securities.
Modernizing Financial Markets with Wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency 3


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作者:九派 分类:按报告类型 价格:免费 属性:82 页 大小:18.93MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-05-03


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