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The Policy Landscape for
Agricultural Bioenergy
Issue Brief 24-03 by Emily Joiner, Michael Toman, and Suzanne Russo — May 2024
Key Points
Agricultural (ag) bioenergy has received financial
and technical support from the Energy Title of
the Farm Bill, first established in 2002. At present,
however, the primary drivers of ag bioenergy
are incentives in federal energy legislation (the
Renewable Fuel Standard or RFS) and California
legislation to reduce the greenhouse gas intensity
of transportation fuels (the Low Carbon Fuel
Standard or LCFS), along with policies administered
by the US Environmental Protection Agency.
The RFS creates requirements for incorporating
various categories of renewable sources,
including ag biofuels, into liquid transportation
fuels. A complex credit program based on sales
of qualifying renewable sources facilitates the
achievement of those requirements. The thresholds
for qualifying (20, 50, or 60 percent lower estimated
lifecycle greenhouse gas intensity) are coarse-
grained and thus coarsely targeted for providing
incentives to reduce greenhouse gas intensity.
The LCFS also uses a credit system to achieve
targeted reductions in lifecycle greenhouse
gas intensity over time. However, the emissions
intensities of qualifying renewable sources are
based on technology pathways, with careful
assessments of actual emissions that provide
incentives for reducing actual emissions intensity.
Nevertheless, the measurement of reductions
in emissions intensity is only as good as the
baseline used for comparison—a concern that has
been expressed over the calculation of negative
emissions intensity for manure-derived biogas.
There is vigorous debate about the overall
reduction in greenhouse gases achieved with
conventional bioethanol made from corn. Lower-
carbon technologies remain costly to use at scale.
Adverse environmental impacts also can arise
from producing biofuels, some of which raise
environmental justice concerns.
1. Introduction
Bioenergy is energy produced from biologic feedstocks
processed into liquid fuel, or process heat or electricity
from combustion. Various refining or processing
techniques go into producing bioenergy. Agricultural
bioenergy (ag bioenergy) uses agriculturally derived
feedstocks, either crops grown explicitly for their use as
energy or waste by-products such as manure. Biofuels
and biogas are the two most common ag bioenergy fuels.
Renewable biomass energy from forestry is another
bioenergy source (Wear and Bartuska 2020). However,
our focus in this issue brief is on ag bioenergy from farms
and ranches.
Current ag bioenergy policy in the United States reflects
several motivations. It creates a favorable regulatory
climate for production and sale of additional products
from the agricultural sector. Domestic bioenergy,
including ag bioenergy, is seen as improving the security
of US energy supplies by reducing imports—though
we raise questions about that rationale in Section 5. A
third very influential motivation is the potential for ag
bioenergy to reduce carbon intensity and total emissions
of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the United States.
Resources for the Future — The Policy Landscape for Agricultural Bioenergy 2
This issue brief provides a brief typology of bioenergy
and then summarizes and discusses key elements in the
nonagricultural policy landscape that have expanded
production of ag bioenergy. It also highlights some
important questions needing further consideration.
We focus on a time frame of roughly the next 5 to 10
years, taking an agnostic view here on bigger longer-
term issues such as the role for ag bioenergy vis-à-vis
electricity in decarbonizing ground transportation.1
2. Types of Bioenergy
Biofuels include both ethanol and diesel fuels.
Traditional, or conventional, ethanol relies on a
distillation of food starches to fuel. Ethanol also can
be made from cellulosic feedstocks, which results in
a considerably lower lifecycle GHG intensity relative
to conventional ethanol.2 Cellulosic feedstocks can
be grown on lower-quality lands, which may reduce
competition between food and fuel crops on existing
agricultural lands, as well as GHG emissions compared
with the eects of more extensive land use to scale up
food crops for ethanol production. However, cellulosic
ethanol production remains low because of continuing
technical hurdles.
Alternatives to petroleum-derived diesel fuels can be
made from waste oils and grease from food preparation,
various plant-based oils, and animal fats. Biodiesel is a
product made from these sources through the chemical
process of transesterification. Limited amounts of
biodiesel can be blended into petroleum-based diesel
fuel. Renewable diesel is made via processes that yield
a product fully interchangeable with petroleum-based
diesel. Both fuel types are ag biofuels, though raw
vegetable oils and waste products from food preparation
are quite dierent feedstocks. Oils extracted from
nonfood energy crops (e.g., jatropha) can be another
source of ag biofuels.
1 We also do not delve into the possible role of ag bioenergy in energy sources for aviation and marine transport or ethanol derived
from low-carbon hydrogen sources.
2 Lifecycle analysis (LCA) of GHGs from bio energy includes emissions from land use change (such as forest clearing), agricultural
practices (N2O and CH4 emissions), and soil carbon sequestration benefits from biofuel crop production. It also includes emissions
associated with transportation of feedstocks to refineries for biofuel production, and operation of the refining facilities (e.g.,
CO2 released during feedstock fermentation to produce ethanol). The properties of the models underlying LCA results and the
fundamental assumptions these models make are in dispute.
Biogas is a mixture of methane, CO2, and other
impurities resulting from decomposition of biomass in a
low-oxygen environment. This anaerobic decomposition
is found in landfills and sewage treatment plants, but the
main source of ag biogas is decomposition of livestock
manure. If the manure is collected and placed in a biogas
digester, the resulting biogas can be collected and used.
Renewable natural gas is biogas processed to remove
impurities and is fully interchangeable with conventional
(fossil) natural gas in various applications, including as a
transportation fuel (compressed natural gas).
3. Federal Policy Background
for Ag Bioenergy
The Energy Title of the Farm Bill was established in
2002 to accelerate production of biofuels, primarily
corn-based ethanol. It is Title IX in the current Farm
Bill, the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (Pub.
L. No. 115-334). Title IX supports, among other goals,
cultivation of bioenergy feedstocks, technological
processes for biofuel refinement, and research and
education (CRS 2022).
Title IX programs targeted at ag biofuel production
include loan guarantees and Commodity Credit
Corporation payments for advanced biofuel production
and payments for biomass cultivation and bioenergy
conversion. The 2018 Farm Bill also established the
Carbon Utilization and Biogas Education Program to
support education on biodiesel and on filtering multiple
sources of waste into a single stream of biogas. Other
research eorts focus on stimulating production of new
biofuels and other biomass derivatives.
CRS (2021b) shows the biofuel funding allocation over
various years in which an energy title was included in
Farm Bill authorization. The 2018 Farm Bill continued
a trend of providing less mandatory program funding
Resources for the Future — The Policy Landscape for Agricultural Bioenergy 3
than in 2008. As explained in Section 3, the mandatory
funding reduction coincided with the introduction
of energy-focused legislation that led to significant
expansion in US biofuel production. Title IX in the 2018
Farm Bill is largely a complementary policy focused on
funding research and education.
One key energy-related policy for stimulating ag
biofuel production is the Renewable Fuel Standard
(RFS), established in the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
The RFS subsequently was expanded in the Energy
Independence and Security Act of 2007. The RFS
system is administered by the US Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), which also sets requirements
for incorporation of ethanol into motor fuels to improve
engine performance and reduce tailpipe emissions by
promoting more complete fuel combustion.
The RFS requires fuel suppliers to provide a minimum
volume of total renewable fuels and of several specific
categories of renewable fuels. The requirements
were specified by statute through 2022, with rising
obligations over time. From 2023 onward, EPA has set
the volume requirements by balancing various factors
listed in the statute (AFDC 2024c; EPA 2023; CRS 2023).
The categories are conventional renewable fuels
(mostly corn-based ethanol) and advanced renewable
fuels, which include as subcategories fuels made from
cellulosic feedstocks and biomass-based diesel.3 The
specified types of biofuels qualify for inclusion in these
categories only if they meet certain lifecycle emissions
reduction thresholds compared with conventional
petroleum fuel (gasoline or diesel). The threshold for
conventional renewable fuels is a 20 percent reduction,
whereas the thresholds for various categories of
advanced renewable fuels are 50 or 60 percent.
3 Some renewable natural gas from farm-based manure biodigesters as well as landfills and wastewater treatment plants are
included in the cellulosic category.
4 This is a highly simplified overview of what is in practice a very complex regulatory system.
5 Among those measures, the IRA continues existing tax incentives for biofuels including biodiesel through 2024, and it sets up a
new clean fuel production tax credit (45Z) for 2025 (Pub. L. No. 117-169).
6 The 45Q credit is also applicable for bioenergy operations that rely on the burning of biomass, which often share feedstocks with
advanced biofuels.
In practice, rather than each supplier having to meet
each of those Renewable Volume Obligations (RVOs)
in its own sales, the requirements are met through
a system of tradable credits. Supplies of renewable
fuels covered by the RFS are assigned Renewable
Identification Numbers (RINs) when they are sold into
the fuels market. These numbers allow EPA to track the
volumes and carbon intensities. Fuel suppliers then can
purchase certificates based on the RINs as an indirect
way of meeting their volumetric obligations based on
their own fuel sales.
Revenues received by renewable fuel suppliers equal
the sum of payments for the fuels and payments for the
RIN certificates. The prices of the certificates indicate
the indirect subsidies required to draw the RFS-required
volumes of the covered renewable fuels into the
market (AFDC 2024c, 2024d; CRS 2023; Stock 2015).4
The requirements for conventional ethanol stopped
increasing in 2015, as the demand for ethanol became
constrained by EPA’s current requirement of 10 percent
ethanol blending into motor gasoline. Other advanced
fuels have since played a larger role.
In addition to the RFS, the Inflation Reduction Act
of 2022 (IRA) contains numerous production- and
infrastructure-related tax breaks for biomass-based
clean energy” sources, including biogas (AFDC
2024b).5 The IRA expands a previous tax credit
(known as 45Q) for the use of carbon capture,
utilization, and storage (CCUS). This has strong
appeal to corn ethanol producers because the cost of
capturing CO2 from ethanol fermentation is low—an
important consideration, since emissions from ethanol
fermentation are estimated to be close to 1 percent of
total US CO2e emissions (Irwin 2024).6


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作者:满江红 分类:电子书 价格:免费 属性:8 页 大小:85.98KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-05-24


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