
3.0 我心光明 2024-05-28 137 18 695.89KB 25 页 免费
Widening the
Family Oce Investment Insights
We are pleased to share our inaugural
Goldman Sachs family oce report with you
Widening the Aperture:
Family Oce Investment Insights
which draws from our rms rst global survey
of family oce stakeholders and from our
collective experience working with family oces.
The family oce community has rapidly transformed. While
industry metrics are limited and widely varied, our observations
and experiences suggest that this investor base continues
to grow in size and inuence. Across this landscape, family
oces dier substantially in their purpose, investment policy,
and infrastructure. Some handle the ongoing management of
noninvestment family aairs, including tax and estate planning,
philanthropy, and risk management. Other family oces have
signicant operating and portfolio company interests. Others
transact and operate similarly to traditional hedge funds. At
Goldman Sachs, we have had the opportunity to build long-
term relationships with family oces and family-controlled
enterprises around the world with diverse needs and objectives.
Our distinct position serving the family oce community
across our global franchise aords us unique perspectives on
this highly complex investor base. This report encapsulates the
views of over 150 distinct family oce decision-makers from
every major region, along with our shared observations on the
institutional family oce landscape. We strive to capture the
compelling themes and common investment behaviors across
a wide array of family oces, focusing on the subset whose
asset bases are in line with other institutional investors and
whose investment management functions are mostly provided
by a robust team of in-house investment professionals.
Ken Hirsch
Partner, Co-Chairman, Global Technology
Media Telecom, Investment Banking
Co-Lead, One Goldman Sachs
Family Oce Initiative
Meena Flynn
Partner, Co-Head, Global Private Wealth
Co-Lead, One Goldman Sachs
Family Oce Initiative
Tony Pasquariello
Partner, Global Head, Hedge Fund Coverage,
Global Markets
Co-Lead, One Goldman Sachs
Family Oce Initiative
Sara Naison-Tarajano
Partner, Global Head, Goldman Sachs Apex and
Private Wealth Management Capital Markets
Co-Lead, One Goldman Sachs
Family Oce Initiative
Eliana Michaels
Vice President, Private Wealth Management
Capital Markets
Chief of Sta, One Goldman Sachs
Family Oce Initiative
Our ndings are organized into three principal areas of
discussion: the evolving family oce industry, current and future
asset allocation, and family oce investing themes. As family
oces continue to grow in number and size—amid increased
monetization events and equity valuations—we have witnessed
their inuence on the capital markets grow in tandem. It is
our view that this momentum is more than likely to endure,
given the sophistication of family oces and their relatively
unique position of being unencumbered by benchmarks, xed
mandates, exit timelines, and outside investors.
While the respondents of this survey hail from family oces, our
objective is for these ndings to be helpful to family oces and
non–family oces alike. We believe that providing a peek under
the hood into the institutional family oce cohort’s interests
and priorities can reveal established and emerging tactics
worth replicating for other asset managers looking to rene
their own frameworks or to partner with this investor base.
We are grateful for the members of our family oce network
and the viewpoints they graciously contributed to this report,
and we are excited to share that market intelligence with you.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey for
your time and your valuable perspectives. We appreciate your
partnership and the trust you continue to place in our people
and our platform.

标签: #家族办公室



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作者:我心光明 分类:外资研报 价格:免费 属性:25 页 大小:695.89KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-05-28


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