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券活动。关于海通国际的分析师证明,重要披露声明和免责声明,请参阅附录。(Please see appendix for English translation of the
热点速评 Flash Analysis
(Please see APPENDIX 1 for English summary)
美国当地时间 318 ,特斯拉在北美地区全面推FSD V12.3 版本;330 日,FSD V12.3.3 版本推送,FSD 首度
摘帽 Beta后缀改为 Supervised受监管),正式面向公众测试,并向全美至200万位特斯拉车主开放免费使用一
个月。FSD V12.3 在算法层面做出了大胆创新,用端到端神经网络”AI 系统完全取代以往依赖于手动编码规则和机器
学习模型的方法。我们持续跟踪多位海外社媒博主的真实路测,惊讶于 V12.3 版本在处理大多数复杂路况下已能做
FSD V12.3 前代 Beta 有何不同?1)处理日常复杂场景时流畅无误:多位海外博主展示了新版本遇到环岛/盘通
行、停车场内部路绕行、单行道窄路会车、以及通用障碍物避障场景都能设法顺利通过确保日常 90%的使
景顺畅无需人工接管(如 42日拯救了美国一位胰岛素急救车主);2)越来越懂人类:多位博主测试得出 V12.3
规和意识的同时最大可能实现体验无断点;3L4 级高阶驾驶功能初体验:新版本展示了汽车到达目的地/导航信
动驾驶方面取得了重大进展,在未来几个新版本中我们很快将看到更接近 L4 点到点智能召唤及代客泊车功能
4软件版本迭代速度大幅提高特斯拉 V12 从传统感知-归控-执行架构转变为端到端架构,人工代码被大量替
换,模型迭代效率快速提高,V12.2 到推送 V12.3 用了 10 天,V12.3 V12.3.1 用一周,而 V12.3.2 V12.3.3
是仅用 5天,已超越马斯克此前宣称的每两周一的更新频率。我们认为算力已经不再是限FSD 迭代的瓶颈,
FSD 阅量的快速增长,每日海量行驶数据将加速软件迭代的飞轮效应。特斯拉计划在今年 10
100eplops 的总算力,在云计算方面将进一步拉大与其他主机厂之间的差距。
Robotaxi 发布将近,特斯拉智驾ChatGPT 时刻还有多远?45日特斯拉宣布 88日将推出 Robotaxi,并指出将
不会取消入门级车型(Model 2/Q)的生产计划。特斯拉规划中的入门级车型平台同时适用于生Model 2/Q
Robotaxi我们判断特斯拉同时需要 Robotaxi 亮相为公司估值打开更多想象空间,Model 2/Q 的量产来应对欧美
地区疲弱的购车需求和中国市场的竞争加剧。目前美国和加拿大的 FSD 买断价格分别为 US$12,000 CAD16,000,而
美国 FSD 订阅费为 US$199/月,Robotaxi 推出后特斯拉可以组建一支自动驾驶出租车队,可能同时带来更为灵活的
FSD 收费方案,为公司快速增加经常性收入。我们预测 FSD 件业务稳态毛利率可达 70%上,对于近期单车利润持
续承压的特斯拉来说可谓扭转局势的关键。我们认为公司 4Q24 将全力加快 Robotaxi 的软硬件量产,并推FSD
入包括欧洲和中国在内的全球主流市场,促进特斯拉智驾的 ChatGPT 时刻到来。
后续版本及 Robotaxi 标杆效应有望为 FSD 带来渗透率推动软件收入爆发增长据特斯拉软件追踪网站
TeslaFi.com 统计,FSD V12.3.3 (Supervised) 是目前在参与 FSD 测试车辆中安装比例最高的版本。截至美国时间 48
日,在其付费用户登记的 19,868 辆特斯拉车辆中,有 5,722 辆安装了 V12.3.3 本,约 30%的车辆更新到了最新版。
而从整体用户看,由于 FSD 完全自动驾驶功能推送多次推迟以及定价提高,特斯拉北美新车 FSD 载率从 2019
50%水平一路下滑至目前 10%左右水平。我们认为,FSD V12 版本已经证明新模型强大泛化能力,随算法迭代加速
8Robotaxi 推出可为乘用车用户付费提供性能背书,有望在今年扭转 FSD 新车搭载率下降趋势甚至带动老用户升
FSD 迭代不及预期,新平台和车型量产不及预期,竞争加剧风险,宏观经济下行。
研究报告 Research Report
12 Apr 2024
中国汽车 China Autos
FSD SupervisedRobotaxi 和特斯拉智驾的 ChatGPT 时刻
FSD Supervised, Robotaxi and Tesla AD’s ChatGPT Moment
王沈昱 Oscar Wang, CFA
王凯 Kai Wang, CFA
12 Apr 2024 2
中国汽车 China Autos
1 单日 FSD V12.3.3 安装更新量 vs 总更新量(付费用户登
2 FSD V12.3.3 安装率(付费用户登记
3 特斯拉北美 FSD 新车搭载率
资料来源:Troy Teslike,海通国际测算
12 Apr 2024 3
中国汽车 China Autos
On March 18, local time in the United States, Tesla comprehensively rolled out the FSD V12.3 version in North America. On March
30, the FSD V12.3.3 was released, marking the first time FSD was unlabelled as Beta, changing its suffix to Supervised for official
public testing, and opened to at least 2 million Tesla owners in the United States for a month of free trial. FSD V12.3 made bold
innovations at the algorithmic level, completely replacing the previous reliance on manually coded rules and machine learning
models with an "end-to-end neural network" AI system. We have continued to track the real road tests of several overseas social
media influencers and are amazed that the V12.3 version can make decisions and execute actions that are close to or even surpass
human drivers in handling most complex road conditions, offering a very high smoothness and less intervention in over 90% of
driving situations.
What sets FSD V12.3 apart from the previous Beta version?
1) Smooth and error-free handling of daily complex scenarios;
2) Increasingly understanding humans;
3) Initial experience of L4-level advanced driving features;
4) Significantly increased software iteration speed.
With the imminent release of Robotaxi, how far is Tesla's smart driving from the ChatGPT moment? On April 5, Tesla announced
that Robotaxi would be launched on August 8 and pointed out that the production plan for the entry-level model (Model 2/Q)
would not be canceled. The entry-level model platform planned by Tesla is also suitable for producing Model 2/Q and Robotaxi.
We believe that Tesla needs both the debut of Robotaxi to open up more imaginative space for the Company's valuation and the
mass production of Model 2/Q to cope with the weak auto demand in Europe and America and the intensifying competition in the
Chinese NEV market. Currently, the buyout prices of FSD in the United States and Canada are US$12,000 and CAD16,000,
respectively, while the US FSD subscription fee is US$199/month. After the launch of Robotaxi, Tesla can form an autonomous taxi
fleet, potentially bringing more flexible FSD charging schemes to rapidly increase the company's recurring income. We predict that
the steady-state gross margin of the FSD software business can reach over 70%, which is key for Tesla, which has been under
continuous pressure on per-vehicle profits recently. We believe the company will fully accelerate the mass production of
Robotaxi's hardware and software from 4Q24 and promote FSD to enter global mainstream markets, including Europe and China,
to usher in Tesla's smart driving ChatGPT moment.
Subsequent versions and the benchmark effect of Robotaxi are expected to bring a penetration inflection point to FSD, driving
explosive growth in software revenue. According to the Tesla software tracking website TeslaFi.com, FSD V12.3.3 (Supervised) is
currently the version with the highest installation rate among vehicles participating in the FSD public test. As of April 8 US time,
among its paying users' registered 19,868 Tesla vehicles, 5,722 have installed the V12.3.3, with about 30% of the vehicles updated
to the latest version. Looking at the overall users, due to several delays in the full autonomy feature rollout and price increases,
the North American new car FSD take rate has slid from a 2019 level of 50% to about 10% now. We believe that the FSD V12
version has proven the new model's strong generalization ability. With the acceleration of algorithm iteration, the launch of
Robotaxi in August can provide a performance endorsement for passenger car users to pay, likely reversing the downward trend
of the new car FSD take rate this year and even driving old users to upgrade, with related software services possibly achieving
double growth.
Risks: FSD iteration is not as expected; new platform and model mass production are not as expected; increased competition risk;
economic downturn.

标签: #特斯拉



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作者:野火 分类:按申万行业 价格:免费 属性:10 页 大小:1.06MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-19


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