
3.0 西装暴徒 2024-07-22 89 16 9.06MB 29 页 免费
Market Intelligence
MENA | H1 2023
In focus: JLL speaks
to the client sector
Tender price inflation
MENA overview
Construction growth
Projects market
Market factors
Construction Market Intelligence
Throughout the first half of 2023, the global economy continued
to face ongoing pressures as challenging conditions persisted due
to additional interest rate hikes, high levels of inflation, and a slow
recovery in trade. This has resulted in uncertainty persisting in the
construction sector, as the increasing cost of financing projects
creates challenges and unpredictability for future investments.
Despite the challenges, the real estate sector demonstrated
resilience, delivering a robust performance in 2023, especially in
the residential segment. The residential market across the MENA
region recorded an upswing in performance, with notable increases
in year-on-year sales prices as of June 2023. Cairo experienced
the most substantial increase at 38%, followed closely by Dubai at
17%. Villa prices in Riyadh and Abu Dhabi also saw growth, with a
5% and 3% increase, respectively. During the same period, rental
prices continued to face upward pressure, with Dubai recording the
highest year-on-year increase of 23%, followed by Cairo with 18%
and Abu Dhabi with 1%.
For the period of January to June 2023, total residential
transactions in the UAE (Dubai and Abu Dhabi) were valued at AED
169 billion, compared to AED 106 billion recorded for the same
period in 2022. Similarly, Saudi Arabia recorded total transactions
of SAR 74.3 billion up to May 2023.
Looking at the future supply in the residential sector for the
remaining six months of 2023, there are 31,000 units anticipated
to enter the market in Saudi Arabia, Egypt has 25,000 planned
deliveries, and the UAE has 24,000.
The hospitality sector, especially within the UAE project market,
also exhibited robust performance. In the second half of 2023, there
are plans to add 6,400 hotel keys to the existing stock in the UAE.
Saudi Arabia is expected to deliver 1,900 keys, while Egypt (Cairo) is
expected to add 900 keys.
According to estimates from the World Travel and Tourism Council,
the UAE’s travel and tourism sector is expected to contribute
around 10% to GDP. In the first half of 2023, Dubai International
Airport recorded over 41 million passengers, surpassing 2022 levels
MENA overview
by nearly 50%. Additionally, the passenger forecast for 2023 was
revised to 85 million from 83.6 million.
In 2022, the UAE experienced its highest-ever foreign direct
investment (FDI) inflow of AED 84 billion dirhams (USD 22 billion),
representing a 10% year-on-year increase, the highest in the GCC
region. The UAE’s Ministry of Investment aims to boost FDI inflows
to USD 150 billion in foreign investment by 2031. Furthermore,
Saudi Arabia recorded the second-highest FDI inflow in the GCC,
reaching USD 7.8 billion in 2022. FDI impacts economies positively
by addressing investment gaps and supporting the establishment
of new businesses. It also contributes to job creation and supports
local workforce development, aligning with the Emiratisation
and Saudisation agendas. According to data from UNCTAD, Egypt
recorded FDI inflows of USD 11.4 billion in 2022, more than double
the USD 5.1 billion noted in 2021.
The UAE is preparing to host the United Nations Climate Change
Conference (COP 28) in Q4 2023. This highly anticipated event has
sparked excitement within the construction sector, as industry
professionals are keen to observe potential legislative changes that
may be triggered both locally and across the MENA region, with a
requirement to reduce carbon emissions by 43% by 2030.
The built environment currently accounts for 40% of global
annual emissions, underscoring the immense potential for carbon
reduction in building operations, materials, and construction
practices. Insights from the construction sector indicate
that organisations have commenced the implementation of
roadmaps for carbon reduction or neutrality, although progress
is still ongoing.
There is uncertainty regarding the implications for existing real
estate stock; however, there is notable engagement within the
sector as meaningful conversations around sustainability and
carbon reduction take place. The expectation is that COP 28
will serve as a catalyst for greater action and propel essential
changes in the construction sector’s approach to addressing
climate change.

标签: #中东



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作者:西装暴徒 分类:按申万行业 价格:免费 属性:29 页 大小:9.06MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-22


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