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MENA H1 2023 Banking Report1
MENA H1 2023
Banking Report
MENA H1 2023 Banking Report2
About the report
This report analyzes the H1 2023 performance of 32 leading banks across the MENA region.
The report is based on detailed financial information including balance sheets, income statements and
management disclosures. All information is sourced from publicly available financial statements of
Executive summary
Sector insights
Banking performance
FY23 outlook
MENA H1 2023 Banking Report3
Houssam Itani
Partner - EY Consulting
LLC Qatar - MENA
Banking & Capital
Markets Leader
Charlie P Alexander
Partner - EY Consulting
LLC Dubai - MENA
Financial Services
Despite the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has
diminished in most countries, pressure on global
growth still exists. The broader Gulf Cooperation
Council (GCC) banking sector has seen a limited impact
from the ongoing banking sector crisis in the US and
Europe. The GCC banking sector has gone through a
fundamental transformation and has been on a growth
trajectory. This development is playing an increasingly
important role in the region's overall economic
The outlook for the GCC region has been strengthened
by strong oil prices and the related improvement in
non-oil activity, which has also supported the credit
demand in the region. A look back into 2022 for GCC-
listed banks shows an upward trend of 9.9% growth in
total assets, 25.3% growth in net profit, 0.2% growth
in return on equity and return on assets, 0.2% growth
in net interest margin and 0.7% growth in share price.
A few of the downward trends include a 0.3% decrease
in capital adequacy ratio (CAR), a 1.0% decrease in
cost-to-income ratio, a 1.2% decrease in return on
equity (ROE), a 0.8% decrease in dividend payout ratio,
an 11.2% decrease in net provision in loans, a 0.1%
decrease in non-performing loan (NPL), which reflects
a favorable approach to credit risk management, and a
0.3% decrease in average capital adequacy ratio.
The drive for lending growth is due to residential
mortgage lending in Saudi Arabia, spike by retain
lending and the oil sector in Kuwait, the government
force for higher lending in Qatar and economic
improvement in the UAE and Egypt. Though asset
quality remains broadly unchanged during the year, it
is anticipated to deteriorate slightly due to the
expected slowdown of the GCC economies and higher
interest rates. GCC banks will remain resilient in 2023
despite uncertainty. Risks include economic slowdown,
exposure to riskier countries and liquidity shortages.
Predictive analytics enhances financial decisions.
Compliance enhances corporate values and
In the future, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
banking sector is expected to grow largely driven by
the increasing demand for banking services and the
growth of digital banking. Additionally, regulatory
reforms such as the introduction of Basel IV, are
expected to have a positive impact on the sector.
Economic conditions will improve as the oil price will
likely sustain and enable the GCC governments to
support the economy. On the other side, inflation is
likely to subside due to higher interest rates.
Digital transformation is the future of the MENA
banking sector. Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping
the MENA financial services industry, bringing faster
and personalized banking services through chatbots.
Digital banking with a wider drive toward ecosystem
models, mobile payments, open banking, blockchain
and sustainable finance are prominent trends.
Financial companies rely on digital firms for crucial IT
systems and collaboration with FinTech firms, which
provide comprehensive services. Tokenization and
open banking are prioritized areas.
Open banking is another way to improve the customer
experience, as the consumers will have full control
over their finances providing them with a better range
of products and services.
Lastly, most of the GCC states have stated net-zero
commitments to evolve the economy’s carbon
intensity to enable sustainable finance which is
important for energy transition.
01 Executive summary
Digital innovation and transformation to shape the future banking
landscape in the MENA region


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作者:西装暴徒 分类:按申万行业 价格:免费 属性:27 页 大小:1.66MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-22


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