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Scaling Up Sustainable
Aviation Fuel Supply:
Overcoming Barriers
in Europe, the US
and the Middle East
MARCH 2024
In collaboration with Kearney
Images: Getty Images
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This document is published by the World Economic Forum as a contribution to a project, insight
area or interaction. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed herein are a result
of a collaborative process facilitated and endorsed by the World Economic Forum but whose
results do not necessarily represent the views of the World Economic Forum, nor the entirety of
its Members, Partners or other stakeholders.
Foreword 3
Executive summary 4
Introduction 5
1 Scaling SAF for Europe 11
1.1 European situation and challenges 12
1.2 Key actions to take 13
1.2.1 Collaboration 13
1.2.2 Finance 14
1.2.3 Policy 15
2 Scaling SAF for the US 17
2.1 US situation and challenges 18
2.2 Key actions to take 19
2.2.1 Collaboration 19
2.2.2 Finance 21
2.2.3 Policy 22
3 Scaling SAF for the Middle East 23
3.1 Middle East situation and challenges 24
3.2 Key actions to take 24
3.2.1 Cross-industry collaboration 25
3.2.2 Improving efficiency in existing refineries 25
3.2.3 Power-to-liquid deployment 25
3.2.4 Government and regulator engagement 26
3.2.5 Public awareness and education 26
Conclusion: What will it take to scale SAF globally? 27
Contributors 29
Acknowledgements 29
Endnotes 31
Scaling Up Sustainable Aviation Fuel Supply 2
Laia Barbarà
Head, Climate Strategy,
World Economic Forum
Claudia Galea
Global Sustainability Director,
Scaling Up Sustainable Aviation Fuel Supply:
Overcoming Barriers in Europe, the US and the Middle East
March 2024
The World Economic Forum and Airports Council
International (ACI) World are co-leading the Airports
of Tomorrow initiative, which seeks to address the
energy, infrastructure and financing needs of the
aviation industry’s transition to net-zero carbon
emissions by 2050. The initiative has convened
executives from across the aviation sector with an
aim of accelerating the move towards increased
sustainability and resilience.
This report presents key findings from our work
on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in 2023. We
showcase critical technologies for SAF scaling
and their advantages, as well as the greatest
challenges at this time. Future SAF volumes have
been analysed and optimal global production
hubs identified to satisfy this emerging demand.
Furthermore, we focused on adequate regulation
and policy to enable global SAF scaling, as well as
insights and important themes for specific countries
and regions.
The report focuses on three regions – Europe, the
US and the Middle East – and contains insights from
stakeholders in the aviation and energy industries as
well as the public sector. The main goal is to provide
a comprehensive overview of the existing challenges
for SAF adoption and highlight which actions
stakeholders along the entire value chain should take
to move towards 10% SAF in 2030 and subsequent
sector decarbonization by 2050.
This work was developed by the World Economic
Forum in partnership with Kearney, ACI World,
Airbus and Arup. We thank our partners and
industry sponsors for their support.
Scaling Up Sustainable Aviation Fuel Supply 3

标签: #美国 #中东



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作者:西装暴徒 分类:按申万行业 价格:免费 属性:33 页 大小:4.28MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-22


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