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Generative AI in EMEA:
Opportunities, Risks, and Futures
Neil Ward-Dutton, Jack Vernon, Elena Semenovskaia, Melih Murat,
Ewa Zborowska, Adriana Allocato With contributions from across the IDC EMEA analyst team
At recent IDC EMEA events and in countless customer inquiries, in just the past
three months generative AI has become one of the most common topics of
In the first three months after its introduction in November 2022, ChatGPT reached
100 million users, while services such as DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion
have become hugely popular. These services have lit a huge fire under an area of
research and development that had already been very active (although without
much public attention) for at least five years.
Now, everybody wants to talk about generative AI. What's possible? What's
coming next? What should we worry about? Where (if anywhere) is the money
going to be made?
This ebook provides an overview of generative AI in EMEA, including related
opportunities, risks and challenges, and a "first look" at what it might mean for
different ICT market segments and communities. Large parts of this ebook are
based on an internal survey of IDC's EMEA analyst team.
This is a very fast-changing area, and we know that some of the detail referenced in
this ebook will become out of date in the coming months. Nevertheless, we hope it
will provide at least an introductory perspective.
About This eBook
IDC eBook Generative AI in EMEA: Opportunities, Risks, and Futures
Five Key Facts About Generative AI
IDC eBook Generative AI in EMEA: Opportunities, Risks, and Futures
Three main use case clusters
There are three main clusters of use cases in enterprises: focused on
customer and employee experiences; software development and delivery;
and knowledge management.
A wave of excitement
The current wave of industry attention is focused on consumer-friendly
image generation and chatbot services (DALL-E, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney,
ChatGPT, Bard, etc.) that are based on large language models (LLMs).
The great remixer
Generative AI enables computers to create synthetic data or content based
on previously created content.
No true intelligence
Despite the hype, the current wave of generative AI innovation does not put
us on a path to "artificial general intelligence" (AGI). These systems also come
with challenges and risks that all adopters must address.
Years of quiet advances
Beyond the current wave of excitement around LLMs, industry-specialized
systems (e.g., in advanced manufacturing and pharmaceuticals) as well as
other generative technologies (like GANs) have been in use for years.


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作者:西装暴徒 分类:按申万行业 价格:免费 属性:53 页 大小:11.43MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-22


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