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ASEAN-MENAT Corridor Outlook 2023
Tapping into Transformation
Opening up a world of opportunity
Table of Contents
Foreword 3
Executive Summary 5
ASEAN-MENAT corridor potential: Opportunities abound for both regions 8
How can ASEAN corporates succeed in MENAT markets? 26
What are the opportunities in ASEAN for QUEST-5 investors? 32
Reference List 45
These are exciting times on both sides of the ASEAN-
MENAT corridor for trade and investment across multiple
sectors. The Middle East economy is once again in full
swing as the Covid pandemic recedes and growth in
ASEAN continues to outstrip much of the rest of the
As the world emerges from the pandemic lockdown into
a new world of geopolitical, macroeconomic and trade
frictions, new opportunities are arising across a trade
route that stretches back more than a thousand years,
between what today are two of the world’s economically
most dynamic regions. With global supply lines being
redrawn and the technological revolution continuing to
gather pace, the two regions most ideally placed to tap
into these new opportunities are the Middle East and
Southeast Asia.
This report outlines the current state of trade and
investment between the two regions, focusing within
MENAT on the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia,
Qatar, Egypt, and Turkey, and in ASEAN on Malaysia,
Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.
This is the first of our Asia-focused series of reports, with
further reports to come on China, India, and East Asia.
Patricia Gomes,
Regional Head of
Commercial Banking,
HSBC Middle East
Amanda Murphy,
Regional Head of
Commercial Banking,
HSBC South and
Southeast Asia
3ASEAN-MENAT Corridor Outlook 2023: Tapping into Transformation

标签: #中东



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作者:西装暴徒 分类:按报告类型 价格:免费 属性:52 页 大小:18.59MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-22


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