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The Road Towards Banking Decarbonisation: The Case of MENA i
Contents |
The Road
Towards Banking
The Case of MENA
July 2023
A maturity analysis of the state of banking
decarbonisation in MENA and a set of
recommendations for public actors and banks
in the region to accelerate transition
The Road Towards Banking Decarbonisation: The Case of MENA ii
Contents |
2023 United Nations Environment Programme
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© Maps, photos and illustrations as specied
Suggested citation: United Nations Environment Programme (2023). The Road Towards Decar-
bonisation: The Case of MENA. Geneva.
Production: United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative
This product is one of the outputs of the ‘SDG-Climate Facility: Climate Action for Human
Security’ project. With nancial support from the Swedish International Development
Agency (Sida), the project is a multi-partner platform focusing on the impacts of climate
change on human security in the Arab region, especially in the context of countries in crisis.
It brings together the League of Arab States (LAS), Arab Water Council (AWC), United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme
Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), World Food Programme (WFP), United Nations Oce for
Disaster Reduction (UNDRR), and United Nations Human Settlements Programme
(UN-Habitat), to deliver climate-oriented solutions that address climate challenges and
bring co-benets across the SDGs. In doing so, it aims to scale up access to and delivery
of climate nance, including through innovative partnerships with the private sector.
The Road Towards Banking Decarbonisation: The Case of MENA iii
Contents |
Orestis Velentzas
Senior Advisor, Net-Zero and Sustainable Finance
The author would like to acknowledge the support and expertise of the following
UNEPFI colleagues towards the management and completion of this report:
Nuran Atef
AME Regional Coordinator
Remco Fisher
Climate Lead
Paul Smith
Senior Climate Consultant
David Carlin
Climate Risk Programme Lead
Sarah Kemmitt
Lead Secretariat, Net-Zero Banking Alliance
Rob Wilson
Design Lead
The author would also like to acknowledge the cooperation and insights of a number of
banks and institutional actors from the Middle East and North Africa region.


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作者:西装暴徒 分类:按申万行业 价格:免费 属性:54 页 大小:4.64MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-22


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