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Private Capital
PitchBook Data, Inc.
John Gabbert Founder, CEO
Nizar Tarhuni Vice President, Institutional Research and Editorial
Dylan Cox, CFA Head of Private Markets Research
Institutional Research Group
Charlie Farber
Senior Data Analyst
Report designed by Joey Schaffer
Published on March 8, 2024
Click here for PitchBook’s report methodologies.
Nalin Patel
Lead Analyst, EMEA Private Capital
Introduction 3
Dealmaking 4
Exits 9
Fundraising 11
Middle East & North Africa (MENA)-based startups
contributed to the second-highest regional deal value on
record in 2023. Global VC deal activity decelerated in 2023
as global market sentiment shifted towards bearish territory
amid inflationary pressures and weaker growth forecasts.
VC deal value grew sixfold between 2018 and 2022, with
2023 marking a reversal in this trend. Countries registering
the bulk of deal activity include the United Arab Emirates,
Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. During the past two years,
outlier deals have underpinned the expansion of capital
flows into the UAE. Recent deals for major VC-backed,
MENA-based companies are displaying similar funding and
scale characteristics to their European and US counterparts.
MENA PE deal value and count grew amid challenging
market dynamics for portfolio companies and investors
in 2023. Despite gloomy outlooks, MENA PE deals were
conducted as wider macroeconomic conditions have
had divergent impacts on geographies and sectors. In
the MENA region, PE deal activity has historically been
concentrated in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. In
2023, the UAE represented 45.0% of PE deal value and
23.8% of deal volume, equivalent to $7.1 billion across 50
deals. Government funding and policies have encouraged
investment, particularly in Saudi Arabia. Diversification
has been at the forefront of the investment push for MENA
countries that have historically relied on natural resources
to generate returns.
MENA’s quiet VC exit activity in 2023 mirrored VC
ecosystems across the globe. Unfavorable market
conditions due to volatility in public markets, inflationary
pressures, and weaker growth forecasts drove the lack of
activity. Given the early stages of VC in the MENA region,
exit activity has been lumpy and supported by liquidity
events for Careem in 2020 and Jahez in 2022. Experienced
investors have continued to be bullish on the long-term
opportunities VC presents, realizing that ebbs and flows are
part of the investment strategy for the asset class. However,
an extended period without meaningful exits could create
liquidity bottlenecks for LPs and GPs needing to supply
capital for startups.
In 2023, PE exit value and volume increased. Although
MENA exit value has shifted from year to year due to outlier
events, recent exits highlight that portfolio companies
in the region can grow to multimillion-dollar valuations
and deliver returns to investors. Establishing exit routes
and developing public markets for mature companies are
further initiatives for the private capital environment. In
recent years, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region
has undergone capital market reforms, including improving
local market infrastructure and applying measures to
attract foreign capital.
The emerging nature of VC has translated into a limited
fundraising environment that has grown in recent years,
with large funds skewing totals. At the heart of the
fundraising push has been Aramco Ventures, the corporate
venture capital (CVC) arm of Saudi Aramco, one of the
world’s largest integrated energy and chemicals companies.
In the past decade, nontraditional investors, including
sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), family offices, PE firms, and
hedge funds, among others, have increased their allocation
to VC. However, with global VC activity slowing in the past
two years, scrutiny around valuations and growth rates has
increased. In the long term, MENA-based SWFs will likely
continue to invest heavily in VC.
In 2023, PE fundraising slowed considerably from the
decade high in 2022. State-backed financing to diversify
away from oil and into emerging technologies to deliver
greater financial returns has been key consideration in the
MENA region, and we expect further initiatives moving
forward. In the future, developing capital resources outside
of government coffers will be an interesting challenge
for GPs. Office expansions into the region and new funds
seeking external LP commitments could promote inward
and outward investment flows within MENA. Recent forays
into areas such as tourism, sports, and entertainment could
entice added financial activity and interest in the region’s
private market capabilities.

标签: #中东



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作者:西装暴徒 分类:按报告类型 价格:免费 属性:14 页 大小:5.81MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-22


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