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What’s Next In E-Commerce:
6 Trends Shaping The Future
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Where are we?
As markets around the world continue to emerge from the global
pandemic, it’s a good time to take stock of the significant changes that
have taken place during the last few years, a time of immense upheaval
for the retail business environment. Which e-commerce developments are
here to stay and how will the next innovations in digital technology impact
the future of retail?
What’s Next in E-Commerce: 6 Trends Shaping the Future
What are the key trends?
The key trends, identified and discussed in this white paper,
span the overall “revolution” in e-commerce that has taken
place and continues to evolve at pace; the tensions SMEs
face around last-mile’ delivery in the face of heightened
consumer demand for greater logistics sustainability; the
significant impact of the Great Resignation’ on SME’s ability
to retain, nurture and recruit new talent across the region;
and ultimately point to ways in which SMEs can leverage
innovations around the consumer interface to target and
generate profitable revenue from the resulting
Some of the eleven AMEA markets researched extensively
for this white paper have been and will continue to be more
impacted than others, but all of the identified trends are
visible across the region.
SMEs and Consumers throughout AMEA are in for
interesting, exciting times. This paper points to the need for
SMEs to constantly challenge themselves to innovate and
remain ahead of the curve.
Sources: 2. Bain & Company The Future of Retail in Asia-Pacific; 3. Euromonitor Top 100 Retailers in Asia 2021; 4. Statista The Rise of the Asian Middle Class
Why is AMEA1so important?
A region of 48 countries of enormous diversity and different levels of
retail maturity offers great insight into recent and future developments
in e-commerce.
Indeed, Asia Pacific is driving forward the retail industry, generating
about three-quarters2of global growth, and is predicted3to see the
highest value sales CAGR for retailing during 2020-2025, with increased
digitalization, connectivity and demographics being key drivers.
One example of this is the expanding middle class driving e-commerce
growth across the region: the 2 billion Asians estimated to be members
of the middle-class right now is predicted4to increase to 3.5 billion by
1. AMEA is used throughout this report to refer to the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa region.
Six key trends across AMEA
E-Commerce Revolution
The Covid pandemic has hot-housed e-commerce growth
across the AMEA region and Marketplaces are increasingly
influential. SMEs are excited by the resulting opportunities
and ready to capitalize. Consumers are also broadly positive
about the heightened importance of e-commerce in their
shopping experiences.
Service Experience Mismatch
There is a significant gap between SMEs assessment of
their own performance across a range of customer
experience metrics and how Consumers experience this
in reality. SMEs need to up their game to ensure that
they do not lose customers as the market continues to
Talent Challenge
SMEs across AMEA are finding the Great Resignation very
challenging right now this is hitting them hard and causing
headaches at a time when they are looking to increase
headcount by recruiting new e-commerce talent to drive
their business forward.
Sustainability Tensions
Whilst SMEs and Consumers are both very aware of the
need for sustainability, in their words, their choices and
their actions, it’s tough to get the balance right. Overall,
SMEs tend to under-estimate how important
sustainability is to Consumers.
More Effective E-tailing
SMEs are already offering or planning to offer newer
payment options, and targeting audiences more effectively
e.g., through personalization and shoppertainment and
Consumers are very receptive to innovations in these areas.
Shopping Festivals
E-commerce events continue to make a difference to AMEA
Consumers in fact, many would like even more. There is also
a clear need from SMEs for increased logistics support
during key pinch points.
What’s Next in E-Commerce: 6 Trends Shaping the Future

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作者:西装暴徒 分类:按申万行业 价格:免费 属性:68 页 大小:935.92KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-22


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