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Global M&A Report 2023
When M&A is the answer: In an uncertain market, bold moves will deine the future
Global M&A Report 2023
Letter from the M&A Team .............................................. 1
State of the Market .................................................... 3
Looking Back at M&A in 2022 ............................................ 4
Looking Ahead to M&A in 2023 .......................................... 12
Hot Topics ........................................................... 18
M&A in Times of Turbulence: Lessons from the Last Recession ................ 19
When Buying (vs. Building) Is the Right Move for Engine 2 .................... 24
Tougher Times: Putting the Diligence Back in Due Diligence ................. 30
How to Avoid the Fault Lines Sending Tremors through
Cultural Integration in M&A ............................................. 35
Industries ............................................................ 43
M&A in Aerospace and Defense: New Types of Deals in a Dynamic Industry ..... 45
M&A in Automotive and Mobility: Finding Alternative Routes to the Future ...... 50
What Consumer Goods Companies Are Learning from Alternative Deals ........ 55
Retail’s New M&A Balancing Act. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
M&A in Diversiied Industrials: ESG Plays Drive Breakthrough Capabilities ....... 65
M&A in Energy and Natural Resources: Beating the Odds in Energy
Transition Deals ....................................................... 69
M&A in Banking: Three Types of Deals for 2023 ............................. 75
Global M&A Report 2023
M&A in Insurance: There Are Insurtech Deals to Be Done, but Proceed
with Caution ......................................................... 79
M&A in Payments: Four Ways That M&A Will Propel This Dynamic Sector ....... 84
M&A in Wealth and Asset Management: How Deals Will Shake Up the Industry .. 88
M&A in Healthcare and Life Sciences: Why the Industry’s Wait-and-See
Days Will End ........................................................ 93
M&A in Media and Entertainment: To Interactivity and Beyond ............... 99
M&A in Technology: Never Waste a Good Crisis ........................... 102
M&A in Telecommunications: How the End of Free Money Opens Up
New Opportunities ................................................... 106
Regions ............................................................ 112
M&A in Brazil: A Nation Prepares for Changes ............................. 113
M&A in India: How Long Can This Hotspot Buck the Global Downturn? ........ 117
M&A in Japan: Pressing Pause on Transformative M&A ...................... 122
M&A in the Middle East: How a Region Grows with M&A .................... 125
Methodology ........................................................ 130
Key Contacts ........................................................ 134

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作者:方新侠2024 分类:综合 价格:免费 属性:138 页 大小:32.73MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-22


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