
3.0 方新侠2024 2024-07-22 93 17 8.36MB 136 页 免费
M&A practice
Top M&A
trends in 2024
Blueprint for success in the
next wave of deals
The following people were instrumental in helping to create this report:
Hameed Allapitchai, Roerich Bansal, Charles Barthold, Matteo Camera, Virginia Casas,
Oliver Engert, Brian Grandeld, Susan Gurewitsch, Benjamin Houssard, Kameron Kordestani,
Paul Kuderli, Margaret Loeb, Paul Morgan, James Newman, Lynette Nguyen, Emily O’Loughlin,
Steve Sakson, Anne Schultz, Rui Silva, Rodrigo Sletatt, Howard Tomb, Fiona Villalobos.
A jump in activity
in the fourth
quarter (of 2023)
points to increasing
optimism returning
to the market.
We are delighted to share our inaugural annual report
on the global M&A market,
Top M&A trends in 2024:
Blueprint for success in the next wave of deals
While the value of M&A activity fell for all of 2023, a jump in the fourth quarterup 41 percent
from the third quarter and 37 percent from a year earlier—points to increasing optimism returning
to the market, along with a growing appetite to consider M&A as a means to advance strategy.
We are privileged to support our clients as they execute pivotal transactions that will transform
their businesses. McKinsey partners with clients to maximize the success of their M&A activity
across the deal lifecycle, from M&A strategy to integrations, divestitures, and JVs/alliances.
We bring our clients unrivaled transaction and integration expertise, deep industry knowledge,
a global network, and a focus on building institutional and executive M&A capabilities. The
M&A perspectives we share here are built from this extensive experience and research. We are
grateful to the extended group of colleagues who have helped compile the articles and analyses
included here—but most important, we are thankful to our clients who trust us to support them
on their M&A journeys.
This report oers perspectives for M&A leaders in a range of industries that we believe will drive
dealmaking in the year ahead, as well as discussions on activities critical to delivering successful
M&A transactions.
We hope you enjoy reading.
Jake Henry
Senior Partner, Chicago
Global co-leader,
McKinsey’s M&A Practice
Mieke Van Oostende
Senior Partner, Brussels
Global co-leader,
McKinsey’s M&A Practice
1Top M&A trends in 2024

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作者:方新侠2024 分类:外资研报 价格:免费 属性:136 页 大小:8.36MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-22


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