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Look Forward to M&A Opportunities in
Consumer Health and Well-Being
Adrienne Rivlin and Mark Boyd-Boland
L.E.K. Look Forward Into 2024
Welcome to Look Forward, L.E.K. Consultings annual analysis of the
challenges and opportunities in the year ahead. In this paper, partners
Adrienne Rivlin and Mark Boyd-Boland look back at a slow year for M&A
in consumer health but find reasons to be optimistic for some segments
in 2024.
Look Forward to M&A Opportunities for
segments focused on consumer health and
M&A in consumer health
Pent-up demand from the pandemic, strong capital markets and an increase in the
consumer trend for self-care made 2021 a strong year for M&A. However, transactions
fell significantly in 2022 and slowed further in 2023, largely due to a combination of the
unfavourable macroeconomic environment, rising inflation and interest rates and sluggish
sales in some segments due to cost-of-living pressures. Looking ahead, we anticipate more
subdued M&A activity to continue into 2024, given the prevailing economic headwinds
and cost-of-living challenges. Investors are more likely to hold o for improved market
conditions and clarity on future product trends that will drive growth within the sector.
Certain segments, however, such as vitamins, minerals and supplements (VMS), organic/
alternative products and digital solutions, are poised to sustain continued interest given the
heightened consumer focus on overall well-being (both physical and mental). How will 2024
unfold? We have five key predictions for the year ahead.
Prediction 1 — Portfolio rationalisation of large consumer health players likely to
A recent major trend has been spin-outs/demergers of the consumer health businesses
from large pharma players, most notably Haleon (GSK) and Kenvue (J&J). Adding to this is
Sanofi’s planned 2024 separation. These restructurings have shied priorities and reshaped
the M&A landscape.
These newly independent consumer health businesses are expected to return to historical
portfolio optimisation strategies, mirroring the M&A approach of their parent companies
in the 2010s. They are also likely to maintain their category focus by divesting non-core
This has been seen in the recent sale by Haleon of Lamisil to Karo Healthcare and also in
Haleon’s exploration of divestment opportunities for the Nicotinell brand (as of July 2023).
Countries such as the UK have also committed to reducing barriers for pharmaceutical
over-the-counter (OTC) switches, oering a potential avenue for further M&A among
consumer health businesses with an OTC focus in particular.
Prediction 2 — VMS, nutraceuticals and sports nutrition likely to remain robust
despite recent revenue downturn
VMS and nutraceutical companies have consistently commanded strong valuations in
recent years and are likely to continue to be attractive despite recent, more restrained
market growth. We expect that Covid-19-linked greater consumer focus on personal health
and well-being will continue to sustain product sales, particularly as consumer confidence
returns fuelled by easing inflation and cost-of-living pressures.
For VMS and nutraceuticals, M&A trends are expected to mirror current consumer
preferences, with an emphasis on holistic ‘wellness’ and a growing focus on ethical
sustainability. Brands that have built an identity based around sustainable, organic, natural
and ethical sourcing of ingredients and business practices will make particularly attractive
acquisition targets.
The sports nutrition space has been the highest-growth consumer health segment of the
past five years and continues to have a favourable outlook (see Figure 1).
Look Forward to M&A Opportunities for Segments Focused on Consumer Health and Well-Being
L.E.K. Consulting / Article

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作者:方新侠2024 分类:按申万行业 价格:免费 属性:8 页 大小:1.82MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-22


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