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CBDC, Fintech and cryptocurrency for financial Inclusion and financial stability
Peterson K. Ozili
Central Bank of Nigeria
This article presents a discussion of the role of central bank digital currency (CBDC),
Fintech and cryptocurrency for financial inclusion and financial stability. We show that
Fintech, CBDC and cryptocurrency can increase financial inclusion by providing an
alternative channel through which unbanked adults can access formal financial services.
CBDC and Fintech services have the potential to preserve financial stability while
cryptocurrency presents financial stability risks that can be mitigated through effective
regulation. The paper also identified some problems of CBDC, Fintech and
cryptocurrency for financial inclusion and financial stability. The paper offered some
insight about the future of financial inclusion and the future of financial stability. Although
CBDC, Fintech or cryptocurrency can extend financial services to unbanked adults and
offer cost-efficient advantages, there are risk considerations that need to be taken into
account when using CBDC, Fintech and cryptocurrency to increase financial inclusion
and to preserve financial stability.
Keywords: CBDC, Fintech, cryptocurrency, financial inclusion, financial stability,
blockchain, central bank digital currency.
Published in: Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance Journal
Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4283875
Peterson K. Ozili CBDC, Fintech and cryptocurrency for financial Inclusion and financial stability
1. Introduction
Scholars disagree about the role of Fintech, CBDC and cryptocurrency for financial
inclusion and financial stability. Cryptocurrency is not even considered to be a positive
contributor to financial inclusion and financial stability. In fact, Cumming et al (2019),
Taher and Tsuji (2022) and Bateman (2020) dismiss Fintech, CBDC and cryptocurrency
as over-stretched determinants of financial inclusion and financial stability because they
can be manipulated and used to achieve goals that serve private interest rather than
public good. From this perspective, Fintech, cryptocurrency and CBDC do not promote
financial inclusion and financial stability if they serve private interests. They only promote
financial inclusion and financial stability when they serve public interest. Fredman and
Phillips (2022), Buckley et al (2019), FSB (2022a), Deng et al. (2021) and Petrou (2018)
reject the idea that digital financial innovation naturally improves financial inclusion and
financial stability. They reject the idea because they believe that it underestimates the
hidden risks inherent in digital financial innovation that can hinder financial stability and
financial inclusion.
A major reason for the disagreement in the literature is because research that clarifies
our understanding of the role of digital financial innovation for financial inclusion and
financial stability are shallow and are not abundant in the literature. Existing research do
not demonstrate a clear-cut channel through which Fintech, cryptocurrency and CBDC
promote financial inclusion and financial stability. In fact, the few studies that examine the
role of Fintech, cryptocurrency and CBDC for financial inclusion and financial stability
often downplay inherent risks in digital financial innovation (Philippon, 2016; Kim and
Kwon, 2019; Sotiropoulou and Guégan, 2017). This observation in the literature give rise
Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4283875
Peterson K. Ozili CBDC, Fintech and cryptocurrency for financial Inclusion and financial stability
to the need for research that clarifies our understanding of the role of Fintech,
cryptocurrency and CBDC for financial inclusion and financial stability. Such research will
have policy implications and shape the future of financial inclusion and financial stability.
Research about the role of these digital financial innovations for financial inclusion and
financial stability is important because it will influence the priority that policy makers attach
to digital financial innovation for financial inclusion and financial stability reform. There is
need for research that provides a convincing framework that demonstrate the channel(s)
through which digital financial innovation, such as CBDC, Fintech and cryptocurrency,
promotes financial inclusion and financial stability, and the implication for the future of
financial inclusion and financial stability. Having identified this gap in the literature, this
paper fills this gap in the literature.
Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to present a discussion about the role of central
bank digital currency (CBDC), Fintech and cryptocurrency for financial inclusion and
financial stability. In terms of definition, financial technology (or Fintech) is defined as the
use of technology and software to improve the processes of financial institutions and to
improve the delivery of financial services to end users (Vives, 2017; Ozili, 2018). CBDC
is commonly defined as money available in digital or electronic form (Tronnier, 2020).
Cryptocurrency is commonly defined as a digital currency in which encryption techniques
are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and to verify the transfer of funds
without needing a financial intermediary or central bank (Lexico, 2020). These three
digital financial innovation (CBDC, Fintech and cryptocurrency) have disrupted traditional
finance by providing an alternative way to deliver financial services, and they also have
risk implications.
Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4283875

标签: #金融科技



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作者:Susu2024 分类:综合 价格:免费 属性:42 页 大小:1.28MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-23


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