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Occasional Paper Series
Central bank digital currency and
monetary policy implementation
Enea Caccia, Jens Tapking,
Thomas Vlassopoulos
No 345
This paper should not be reported as representing the views of the European Central Bank (ECB). The
views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the ECB.
Abstract 2
Non-technical summary 3
1 Introduction 6
2 Impact of a CBDC on the demand for bank deposits 8
Box 1 The impact of a zero remuneration of CBDC on the demand for
bank deposits 12
3 The balance sheet mechanics of a CBDC 15
3.1 The impact of a CBDC-induced deposit outflow on reserves 15
3.2 The maximum amount of CBDC-induced deposit outflows
tolerable from a monetary policy implementation perspective 21
Box 2 High-level design choices of current CBDC initiatives across
the globe 24
4 CBDC and the smooth implementation of monetary policy 28
4.1 Floor system 28
Box 3 Model showing the impact of a CBDC on the amount of
reserves needed for smooth implementation of monetary policy:
floor system 32
4.2 Corridor system 35
Box 4 Model showing the impact of CBDC on the amount of reserves
needed for smooth implementation of monetary policy: corridor
system 38
5 Conclusions 42
Proofs of results 1 to 4 44
References 48
ECB Occasional Paper Series No 345
This paper discusses the impact that a retail central bank digital currency (CBDC)
could have on the implementation of monetary policy. Monetary policy
implementation could be affected if the introduction of the retail CBDC changes the
volume of commercial bank deposits held by customers, which would, in turn, affect
central bank reserves. While it is often assumed that customer deposits would
decrease if a CBDC was introduced, we provide arguments why this is by no means
clear cut and deposits could even increase. If bank deposits do decrease, banks
would need to draw on, and therefore reduce, their central bank reserve holdings.
Moreover, uncertainty as to the timing and extent of any conversions of deposits into
CBDC might prompt banks to scale up their demand for central bank reserves in
order to hold larger precautionary buffers. Consequently, central banks might need
to adjust their reserve supply and other features of their monetary policy
implementation, depending, for example, on whether they use a floor or a corridor
system for monetary policy implementation. In the specific case of the digital euro,
the features already envisaged for its design would make it possible to minimise the
risk of negative consequences for monetary policy implementation.
JEL codes: E41, E42, E43, E52, E58, G21
Keywords: Monetary policy implementation, central bank digital currency, central
bank reserves.
ECB Occasional Paper Series No 345


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作者:Susu2024 分类:综合 价格:免费 属性:53 页 大小:1.25MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-23


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