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BIS Papers
No 136
Making headway – Results
of the 2022 BIS survey on
central bank digital
currencies and crypto
by Anneke Kosse and Ilaria Mattei
Monetary and Economic Department
July 2023
JEL classification: E42, E58, O33.
Keywords: central bank digital currencies, CBDC, digital
innovation, cryptoassets, financial inclusion,
stablecoins, cross-border payments, interoperability,
fast payment systems.
The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily the views of the BIS.
This publication is available on the BIS website (www.bis.org).
© Bank for International Settlements 2023. All rights reserved. Brief excerpts may be
reproduced or translated provided the source is stated.
ISSN 1682-7651 (online)
ISBN 978-92-9259-673-6 (online)
BIS Papers No 136 1
Making headway – Results of the 2022 BIS survey on
central bank digital currencies and crypto1
Over the course of 2022, the share of central banks engaged in some form of central
bank digital currency (CBDC) work rose further, to 93%, and their uncertainty about
short-term CBDC issuance is fading. Work on retail CBDC is more advanced than on
wholesale CBDC: almost a quarter of central banks are piloting a retail CBDC. More
than 80% of central banks see potential value in having both a retail CBDC and a fast
payment system, mostly because a retail CBDC has specific properties and may offer
additional features. The survey suggests that there could be 15 retail and nine wholesale
CBDCs publicly circulating in 2030. More than nine out of 10 central banks engage with
other stakeholders when designing proofs of concept, pilots or live CBDCs. The degree
of that engagement and the type of entities involved differ between emerging market
and developing economies (EMDEs) and advanced economies (AEs). They also differ by
type of CBDC and the stage of work. The survey further shows that, to date, stablecoins
and other cryptoassets are rarely used for payments outside the crypto ecosystem. Some
60% of surveyed central banks reported that they have stepped up their CBDC work in
response to the emergence of cryptoassets.
This paper presents the results of a survey of 86 central banks conducted in late 2022
about their involvement in CBDC work, as well as their motivations and intentions of
potentially issuing one. The survey also asked about central banks’ assessment of the
use of stablecoins and other cryptoassets in their jurisdictions.
Over the course of 2022, work on CBDCs progressed further. There are currently
four central banks that have issued a live retail CBDC: The Bahamas, the Eastern
Caribbean, Jamaica and Nigeria.2 Although no new retail CBDCs were launched in
2022, there are probably more to come: 18% of central banks indicated in the survey
that they are likely to issue a retail CBDC in the near term. Various central banks
published results of their CBDC experiments, including Sveriges Riksbank, the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York, and the Reserve Bank of Australia, Central Bank of
Malaysia, the Monetary Authority of Singapore and the South African Reserve Bank,
in collaboration with the BIS Innovation Hub.3 Moreover, in recent months, the Central
Reserve Bank of Peru, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Bank of England, the
European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of Canada launched consultations or
1 We thank Stijn Claessens, Jon Frost, Tirupam Goel and Tara Rice for their valuable comments and
Anamaria Illes for excellent research assistance. The views expressed in this article are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the BIS.
2 Based on the updated data set on CBDC projects, speeches and search interest, as of 13 January
2023, from Auer et al (2020). For the latest status of CBDC projects, see CBDC tracker at
cbdctracker.org/ from Mikhalev et al (2021) and the CBDC Tracker from the Atlantic Council at
3 See Sveriges Riksbank (2022), Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2022) and the BISIH et al (2022).

标签: #银行



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