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PwC Global
Crypto Regulation
Report 2023
19 December 2022 (updated)
PwC 2
December 2022
Where is crypto regulation heading? 4
Views from global standard-setters 9
EU single market for digital assets 13
Summaries from selected jurisdictions 18
PwC services and capabilities 66
PwC Global Crypto Regulation Report 2023
Purpose and objectives
This PwC Global Crypto Regulation 2023 report
provides an overview of the crypto regulation
landscape, with a focus on financial services. It offers
insights into how the regulatory frameworks are
developing across the world and seeks to identify
how this may impact relevant industry participants
and virtual service providers within the financial
services sector.
Where is crypto regulation heading?
This section provides a snapshot on global crypto
regulation, our views on how market trends are
shaping global frameworks and considerations for
traditional financial services institutions and crypto
native firms entering the space.
Views from global standard-setters
This section focuses on how some of the key
regulatory standard-setting institutions are shaping
international crypto regulation discussions.
EU and local regulation
These sections focus on the significant
advancements in digital asset regulation at the
European Union and jurisdictional level. Noticeably,
while much progress has been made over the last
few years, there still remain differences between
scope and implementation timelines.
How can PwC help?
PwC offers a wide range of expertise, including
strategy, financial crime, legal, regulatory, accounting,
tax, governance, risk assurance, audit, cybersecurity
as well as transaction advisory for working with all
areas of crypto and digital assets. Our global network
is constantly evolving its thinking in how this
technology can be applied, through research, client
engagements and the development of thought
For further digital assets research, please also see
our other global reports, including PwC’s annual
Crypto Tax, CBDC Index & Stablecoin Overview as
well as Crypto Hedge Fund reports. The reports can
be accessed through PwC Crypto Center
Trust in the space is broken right now.
While regulation alone will not solve
that, clarity across terminology and
application of regulation, along with
enhancements to risk management
capabilities and procedures, is a good
starting point.
Global crypto regulation report
Matt Blumenfeld
Web3 & Digital Asset Lead
December 2022
PwC Global Crypto Regulation Report 2023
*The original report was published on 13 December 2022. The report was updated on 19 December 2022 to incorporate the
final rules on the prudential treatment of cryptoasset exposures, published by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
on 16 December 2022 (page 11).


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作者:Susu2024 分类:综合 价格:免费 属性:69 页 大小:5.9MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-23


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