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PwC Annual Global Crypto Tax Report 2022
PwC Annual
Global Crypto
Tax Report 2022
PwC Annual Global Crypto Tax Report 2022
2022 sent the crypto market on a rollercoaster ride,
with total market capitalisation dropping from around
US$3 Trillion in 2021 to just under US$1 Trillion at
the time of writing. This is in part due to a number of
high profile crypto business model failures
TerraUSD / Luna, 3AC, Celsius and of course, most
recently, FTX. Although 2022 saw heightened
regulatory scrutiny and enforcement action, the
slowdown of retail crypto exchanges, hedge funds
and tokens - as well as decline in valuations - will
add fresh impetus for global regulatory attention -
which will also include an increased focus on the
taxation of the industry.
Despite market pressures, investment, adoption and
innovation in the space continues to be strong, and
is very much reflective of an industry that is still
maturing. One of the primary themes of this year’s
report is how continued innovation interacts with
and, ultimately, shapes the global crypto regulatory
and tax environment.
We have seen new jurisdictions such as the UAE,
Germany and New Zealand emerge as centers for
crypto investment and regulation, adding global
breadth to the regulation of the sector with clarity of
purpose, while others like India and Turkey address
wider challenges. Web3, DeFi and the Metaverse
continue to be at the forefront of innovation.
Increasingly, important institutional drivers are
providing insights into the future of digital assets’
interaction with traditional finance and the physical
Since the launch of PwC’s (“our”) report in 2020,
PwC (“we”) have observed a trend of increasing tax
regulation targeting the digital assets sector, as
governments and bodies such as the OECD and EU
have sought to create tax policy which keeps up with
the pace of technological innovation. However, there
is still a disparity in the coverage, definition, and tax
treatment of digital assets between jurisdictions. We
have therefore sought to cover this in the
jurisdiction-specific pages that accompany this
The sector certainly faces other challenges not
least in the context of a global macroeconomic
environment coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic,
inflation and the withdrawal of many national
stimulus programs. Given unfolding events at the
date of this report, it is likely that increased and
globally coordinated regulation will follow and that
this will almost certainly shape evolving tax policy.
PwC Annual Global Crypto Tax Report 2022
*This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional
PwC Annual Global Crypto Tax Report 2022
1. What has happened in tax in 2022?
In terms of key macro trends in tax policy, we have seen a number of key themes emerge over the course
of 2022:
1Tax reporting has become a reality for the industry. Major steps to regulate digital
assets at a global level include the OECD’s Crypto Asset Reporting Framework
(CARF) / and updates to the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), along with DAC8
in the European Union (EU) and tax reporting rules in the US.
The indirect tax treatment of NFTs is receiving increased attention from governments.
This creates operational challenges for NFT marketplaces, which often do not see
themselves as financial services companies and often do not collect customer
onboarding and KYC information.
Early guidance, though still limited, is starting to emerge on DeFi in jurisdictions
such as the UK and New Zealand.
As the industry continues to grow in terms of users and adoption, we have started to
see more software solution companies trying to address the increased need for tax
The remainder of this report takes a deeper dive into some of these key themes from a global perspective.
We then provide a jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction summary that can be used by our readers as a reference
point for the available tax guidance in this space.
Tax policy developments are finally emerging with a surprising balance between
those likely to encourage or discourage crypto and digital assets.


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作者:Susu2024 分类:综合 价格:免费 属性:116 页 大小:1.69MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-23


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