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PitchBook Data, Inc.
John Gabbert Founder, CEO
Nizar Tarhuni Vice President, Institutional
Research and Editorial
Paul Condra Head of Emerging Technology
Insiuional esearch roup
Published on October 20, 2023
Designed by Drew Sanders
Integrating Digital Assets
and Crypto Into Traditional
PitchBook is a Morningstar company providing the most comprehensive, most
accurate, and hard-to-find data for professionals doing business in the private markets.
Despite the bear market, traditional financial institutions
forge ahead, investing in blockchain to redefine
Robert Le
Senior Analyst, Emerging
Introduction 1
Key development areas 6
Custody 6
Tokenization 6
Payments 7
Investment funds 8
Blockchain infrastructure 10
Potential drawbacks and risks 11
Future outlook 13
The growing crypto and digital asset market, once perceived as a high-risk,
speculative domain, has matured into a robust financial ecosystem. The advent of
decentralized finance (DeFi), stablecoins, and enterprise blockchain solutions has
not only expanded the industry’s reach but also significantly enhanced its utility
across myriad financial operations. Traditional financial institutions, which initially
approached the crypto space with skepticism and caution, have gradually shifted
their stance, recognizing the transformative potential of blockchain technology in
reshaping numerous facets of financial transactions, from payment processing to
asset management.
These traditional entities, which encompass a broad spectrum, including banks,
asset management firms, and financial market infrastructure providers, are
now actively exploring and implementing various strategies to integrate digital
assets and blockchain technology into their existing operational frameworks. The
burgeoning interest from traditional financial institutions in the crypto market is
not merely a passing trend but a strategic initiative, aimed at maintaining their
relevance and competitive edge in a rapidly evolving financial landscape.
Leveraging blockchain and digital assets can provide these institutions with a
new revenue stream, facilitate the diversification of investment portfolios, and
offer an avenue to introduce innovative products and services to their clientele.
Furthermore, blockchain technology, which underpins these assets, provides
a secure, transparent, and efficient mechanism to administer various financial
operations, including payments, settlements, and the execution of smart contracts.
PitchBook Analyst Note: Integrating Digital Assets and Crypto Into Traditional Finance
However, the integration of digital assets and blockchain technology into traditional
financial services is not without its challenges. Regulatory hurdles, technological
intricacies, security vulnerabilities, operational complexities, and market volatility
present challenges that both traditional institutions and emerging crypto startups
must navigate. Therefore, it has become imperative for these financial institutions
to develop and implement specific strategies to mitigate these risks. It is also
important to highlight the symbiotic relationship that can potentially develop
between traditional financial institutions and crypto startups. Traditional financial
institutions bring to the table decades of experience in navigating the complex
regulatory and compliance landscape, robust operational infrastructures, and a
vast clientele. On the other hand, crypto startups often bring innovative solutions,
technological prowess in blockchain systems, and a fresh perspective that can help
traditional institutions innovate and evolve in alignment with the latest technology
and client demand.
This report aims to provide an in-depth analysis of how traditional financial
institutions are developing strategies to expand into the crypto markets. We will
explore the latest market developments, potential opportunities for crypto startups,
drawbacks, and future outlook. The objective is to offer valuable insights for
venture capital firms looking to invest in crypto startups that have the potential to
collaborate with or be acquired by traditional financial institutions.
Source: PitchBook • Geography: Global
*As of September 29, 2023
$1.3 $0.3 $1.1 $7.1 $6.1 $1.3
36 44
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023*
Deal value ($B) Deal count
Crypto VC deal activity with traditional finance participation
PitchBook Analyst Note: Integrating Digital Assets and Crypto Into Traditional Finance
Top traditional finance investors by number of crypto/blockchain
VC deals since 2017*
Source: PitchBook • Geography: Global
*As of September 29, 2023
Traditional finance firm Deal count
Franklin Templeton 19
The Goldman Sachs Group 12
Citigroup 10
JP Morgan Chase 8
Barclays 8
BNY Mellon 7
Monex Group 5
United Overseas Bank 5
UBS Group 5
Canaccord Genuity 3
MasterCard 3
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking 4
Nomura Holdings 4
BlackRock 4
Credit Suisse 4
Shinhan Bank 4
Mirae Asset Global Investments 4
TD Cowen 4
Baillie Gifford 4
NH Investment & Securities 4
Hanwha Investment & Securities Company 4
VanEck 4


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作者:Susu2024 分类:综合 价格:免费 属性:13 页 大小:282.69KB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-23


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