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Bank of Israel
Sveriges Riksbank
Project Icebreaker
Breaking new paths in cross-
border retail CBDC payments
March 2023
Project Icebreaker - Breaking new paths in cross border retail CBDC payments
Foreword 4
1. Executive summary 6
2. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations 9
3. Introduction 11
4. Overview of the model used for Project Icebreaker 11
4.1 Domestic rCBDC systems 11
4.2 FX providers 12
4.3 The Icebreaker hub 12
4.3.1 A hub-and-spoke solution 13
4.3.2 FX marketplace 14
4.4 The payment process 14
5. The experiment and solution design 17
5.1 The FX conversion mechanism 18
5.2 Communication and connectivity 20
5.3 Coordinated settlement in PvP and PvPvP style 21
5.3.1 The HTLC mechanism 22
5.3.2 Interactivity 23
5.3.3 Bridge currency extension 23
5.4 Test scenarios 24
6. Policy considerations 25
6.1 Governance 25
6.2 Resilience 25
6.3 The FX mechanism 26
6.4 Liquidity provision for FX providers 27
6.5 Pricing of services 28
6.6 Privacy and AML/CFT 28
6.7 Addressing and payment initiation 29
7. Concluding discussion 29
References 32
Appendix A: Description of the three PoC rCBDCs 34
Bank of Israel the digital shekel prototype 34
CBDC platform based on DLT 35
Project Icebreaker - Breaking new paths in cross border retail CBDC payments
Validation of tokens 35
Norges Bank the NOK-CBDC prototype 35
Underlying technology Hyperledger Besu 36
Validation of tokens, settlement, and finality 36
Sveriges Riksbank the e-krona test prototype 37
CBDC-platform based on DLT and UTXO 37
Validation of tokens, settlement and finality 38
Appendix B: Payment data in Icebreaker 39
Appendix C: Project participants and acknowledgements 40
Bank of Israel 40
BIS Innovation Hub 40
Norges Bank 40
Sveriges Riksbank 41
Acknowledgements 41


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作者:Susu2024 分类:按申万行业 价格:免费 属性:43 页 大小:1.08MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-23


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