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Emerging Practice: Climate Target Setting for Oil & Gas Financing i
Contents |
May 2024
Emerging Practice:
Climate Target
Setting for Oil & Gas
Emerging Practice: Climate Target Setting for Oil & Gas Financing ii
Contents |
The content set out within this paper does not constitute advice to Members of the
Net-Zero Banking Alliance (theAlliance). Further, any views expressed in this paper
do not necessarily represent the views of each individual member, including those in
the relevant working group that assisted in the preparation of the paper.This paper is
intended as a general guide for emerging practicesandis not prescriptive as to actions
or decisions to be taken by Members. The Members of the Alliance set individual
targetsandmake their own unilateral decisions. The use of content, including the scope
of participation in the Alliance, is at the discretion of each individual Member.As such,
the Alliance takes no liability for actions or decisions taken by Members when apply-
ing the principles of this paper.Any references to external frameworks or organisations
should not be considered an endorsement of these organisations or their work.
Cover image: elements.envato.com
Emerging Practice: Climate Target Setting for Oil & Gas Financing iii
Contents | Purpose of this publication
Purpose of this publication
This paper is one of a series of publications with the purpose of outlining possible
choices banks can make when setting climate targets for sectors of the real economy.
The paper does this by providing an overview of emerging practices, common challenges
and policy, data, and other gaps.
Emerging practices and expertise for climate target setting are evolving quickly. This
paper aims to increase banks’ awareness and understanding of useful approaches and
latest methodologies in this space at the time of publication.
By joining NZBA, members have already chosen to commit to:
Aligning their lending and investment portfolios with net zero emissions by 2050
Setting intermediate climate targets for their highest emitting sectors for 2030 or
sooner by using robust, science-based guidelines consistent with limiting global
warming to 1.5°C
Developing transition plans for the highest emitting sectors for which they have set
Reporting annually on their approach to and progress towards meeting their targets
For many banks, this includes setting decarbonisation targets for their oil and gas lend-
ing and investment portfolios.
This paper does not impose any requirements on NZBA members over and above the
commitments made when becoming a signatory and is not prescriptive in terms of
specifying when and how members with oil & gas lending and investment portfolios are
expected to decarbonise those.
The details of the commitment to which NZBA members sign up can be found in the NZBA
Commitment Statement and the Guidelines for Climate Target Setting for Banks. This
series of publications on sectoral emerging practices does not change that commitment.


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作者:西装暴徒 分类:按申万行业 价格:免费 属性:49 页 大小:1.26MB 格式:PDF 时间:2024-07-24


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